MSDeploy Step

This step runs an msdeploy command.

Required properties:

Property Name Description
Verb The verb (operation) to be performed by msdeploy.

Optional properties:

Property Name Description
Source Provider Type The provider type for the source argument of the command. This is required if the provider source is supplied.
Provider Source The provider path and setting for the source given in the syntax path,setting1,setting2….
Destination Provider Type The provider type for the destination argument of the command.
Provider Destination The provider path and setting for the destination provided using the syntax path,setting1,setting2….
Options String A newline-separated list of arguments to concatenate onto the synchronize command. For example: –setParam:hello,value=hi\n-setParam:goodbye,value=seeyou.
Command Path The directory location of the msdeploy.exe command line executable. For example: C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2\.