Configure component version import

Component versions are imported to Deployment Automation from various source configuration tools. This topic describes how the import process works and how to configure it.

For details on importing component versions, see Import component versions.

Version import overview

When you request to import a component version, the request is added to the queue and a message is displayed that the request was successful.

Requests run asynchronously on the server in the order they were placed in the queue. Incoming tasks are queued up until the queue is full.

Note: A successful request does not mean that the component version import is successful.

The Versions page is automatically refreshed every 15 seconds following submission of a version import. You can also manually refresh the page using the Refresh Page button.

The maximum integration task count parameter controls the capacity of the queue of submitted versions for each component. The default value is 1. This parameter affects both automatic and manual version import for all source configuration types.

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Change the capacity of the version import queue

You can expand the queue of version import requests if needed.

To change the capacity of the version import queue:

  1. Navigate to the Common Tomcat da\WEB-INF\classes directory, for example:

    C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\da\WEB-INF\classes
  2. Open the web application's da_config.xml file. This file contains your current queue settings.

  3. Copy the <componentIntegrationTaskConfig> section from the da_config.xml file.




  4. Navigate to the DA user profile directory where the DA server configuration is stored, for example:

  5. Open the da_config.xml file in the user profile directory and paste the copied <componentIntegrationTaskConfig> section there.

    Note: Deployment Automation contains two da_config.xml files, one in the web application and one in the DA user profile. After each server upgrade, the web application's da_config.xml settings are restored to default. To make your modifications permanent, save them in the da_config.xml file located in the DA user profile directory.

  6. In the <componentIntegrationTaskConfig> section, edit the <maxIntegrationTaskCount> parameter.

    Use this example, where # is a value 1 or above:


    Caution: Avoid setting the <maxIntegrationTaskCount> value to 0 because it prevents versions from being imported. If you set the value to a number higher than 1, ensure that your system is capable of handling this number of version imports.

  7. Save your changes.
  8. Restart Common Tomcat.

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See also: