Nexus Sonatype SCT

The Nexus Sonatype source configuration type (SCT) supports granular access and filtering for artifacts stored in Nexus repositories.

Compatibility with Deployment Automation

The Nexus Sonatype source configuration type relies on the following parameters:

Supported editions OSS and Professional
Supported versions Nexus 3.x
Certified repository types Maven, Raw, and NuGet.

Note: Other repository types might work, but their functionality has not been tested.

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Nexus SCT settings

To use Nexus as an artifact source, select Nexus Sonatype from the Source Config Type list and then specify its settings. For details about creating components, see Create components.

The following table describes the properties specific to the Nexus Sonatype source configuration type:

Field Description
Server URL (Required) Base URL and port for the Nexus server, for example, http://localhost:8081.
User Name Nexus username.
Password Nexus user password.
Repository (Required) The name of the Nexus repository.
Nexus Component The name of the Nexus component. This option enables you to import versions of that component only. Use it when you have multiple Nexus components in the same repository, for example, for NPM repositories.
Component Group The group ID of the component to which the assets belong. In Maven repositories the ID follows Java package naming rules, for example, org.apache.maven.
Import folders as versions Applies to repository types that do not have specific versions, for example, 'raw'. This option enables you to import directories with subfiles as separate versions.
Import all new versions (Optional) Select this option to import all the package versions missing from Deployment Automation. By default, Deployment Automation imports only the latest version.
Skip empty versions If this option is selected, versions without content are not imported.
Include files

Specify patterns to match files that you want to include in the upload. You can match exact file paths and file names, or you can specify wildcards. The default value is **/* for directories/files.

You can enter exact file path and file name combinations with one entry per line, for example:

You can also specify wildcards to match directories and files. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and the wildcard * indicates every file. For example, the pattern dist/**/* retrieves the entire file tree under the dist directory.

Exclude files Specify patterns to match files that you want to exclude from the upload. You can match exact file paths and file names, or you can specify wildcards. See the earlier Include files examples.
Preserve execute permissions (Optional) Select this option to save file execute permissions along with the files.
Use latest component properties for versions download

(Optional) Select this option if you want Deployment Automation to use the current component properties instead of the properties that are set when the version is created.

Note: Component version properties are always preserved when a version is created.

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See also: