Jenkins integration

The Application Automation Tools plugin for the Jenkins continuous integration server provides a mechanism for uploading apps to the UFT Mobile lab console.

First you define the UFT Mobile server within Jenkins, and then you add build steps to upload your mobile apps with .apk (Android) or .ipa (iOS) file extensions.

In this topic:



1. Install one of the five latest LTS versions of Jenkins.

2. Install the Jenkins Micro Focus Application Automation Tools plugin.

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Define the UFT Mobile server

Before using Jenkins with UFT Mobile, you need to configure Jenkins to recognize the UFT Mobile server.

On the Jenkins Server home page, click Manage Jenkins > Configure System.

  1. Go to the UFT Mobile section, and click Add UFT Mobile server.
  2. Enter a name for the UFT Mobile server that you will be using, and its URL.
  3. Repeat the last two steps for each of the UFT Mobile servers that you will be accessing.
  4. For running functional tests where UFT and Jenkins are hosted on separate machines, you need to create an execution node for the functional test:

    1. Select Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes > New Node.
    2. Give the node a name, and select the Permanent Agent option.
    3. Enter the details for the UFT machine.
    4. Save your changes.

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Use UFT Mobile with SSL

If you need to use UFT Mobile securely, with SSL, you must first install the UFTM server certificate.

1. Copy the UFTM server certificate to the Jenkins server machine.

2. Import the UFTM server certificate on the Jenkins server machine using the following command:

Copy code
 keytool.exe -import -file "<local_path>\<certificate_filename>.cer" 
  -keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jre\lib\security\cacerts" 
  -alias mc  -storepass changeit -noprompt 

3. Restart the Jenkins service.

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Upload apps to UFT Mobile

The Application Automation Tools Jenkins plugin provides a standalone builder for uploading apps to UFT Mobile. If you want to create a job that runs a UFT One functional test with Mobile devices, see the UFT Help Center.

  1. Make sure you have added your UFT Mobile server to the Jenkins configuration as described in Define the UFT Mobile server.
  2. Copy your application package file, with .apk or .ipa extensions, to the Jenkins machine.
  3. On the Jenkins Server home page, click New Item.
  4. Enter an item name for the project.
  5. Select Free style project and click OK in the bottom left corner.
  6. In the General tab, scroll down to the Build section.
  7. Expand the Add build step drop-down and select Upload app to UFT Mobile.
  8. Select your UFT Mobile server from the drop-down list of servers.
  9. Provide your login credentials (user name and password) or execution key. If your server has the multiple share spaces enabled, include the nine-digit project ID in the Tenant ID field. If the feature is not enabled, leave this field empty.
  10. If you are connecting to a UFT Mobile server through a proxy, select Use proxy settings and provide the relevant information.
  11. Click Add Application and enter the full path of the .apk or .ipa package file of the app you want to upload to the UFT Mobile server. Repeat this step for each app you want to upload.
  12. Click Apply to save your changes and continue with more build steps.
  13. Click Save when you are finished adding build steps.
  14. Run or trigger the job as you would with any standard Jenkins job.
  15. To troubleshoot, check the log file on the UFT Mobile server for issues such as connectivity and security.

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See also: