Manual Testing

You can open a mobile device from the lab for manual testing. These sessions can be recorded, and you can use the steps performed to submit a defect directly to ALM Octane.

Start a testing session

To start a testing session on a device:

  1. Open the UFT Mobile Lab console by navigating to: http/s://<UFT Mobile server IP address>:<server port> and logging in with your credentials.

    UFT Mobile Lab console (SaaS): To access the UFT Mobile Lab console, navigate to the UFT Mobile SaaS URL provided to you, and log in with your credentials.
  2. In the Devices tab, open a device by hovering over it in Card view and clicking , or by selecting the device and clicking Open device remotely in List view.
  3. In the device access window, click the Exploratory Testing icon at the top of the panel. (By default, this icon is located in the right-hand panel.)

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Interact with the device

You can interact with a device during a manual testing session and perform the following actions:

Record steps

To record an exploratory test, click the record button in the toolbar to start recording the session.

Note: UFT Mobile captures all steps that you perform, and saves snapshots automatically. As a result, device responsiveness is slower than when actions are performed on a device without recording.

Actions performed on the device are added as steps, together with a screenshot.

The exploratory test toolbar includes the following options:

Pause recording. To resume recording after pausing, click the record button .
Stop recording.
Download a zip file of the steps. The zip file includes screenshots and the following text files: device_details, recorded_steps, and device_logs. You can use this to create a test case.
Submit a defect to ALM Octane. For details, see Submit defect.

The date and time that a step was performed is added after the step in the zip file, and in the defect.

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Edit steps

During a recorded session, your test steps are listed in the exploratory testing panel. Use the options in the panel to edit steps as follows:

Delete steps

Select the step/s to delete, or click Select All. Click the Delete button. When steps are deleted, the numbering of the steps and screenshots is adjusted accordingly.

Add step

  1. Click Add Notes to add a note or step. A screenshot is taken automatically when the button is clicked. A placeholder for the note is added as the last step, accompanied by the screenshot.
  2. Start typing. Click the checkmark to confirm the text and add the note.
    The note is added with a /// prefix which cannot be deleted, to indicate that it was added manually.

Select screenshots

By default, screenshots are included in the zip file for most steps. Certain steps, such as installing or uninstalling an app, do not include screenshots.

Exclude all screenshots Click the exclude screenshots option in the toolbar above the steps to exclude screenshots for all steps.
Exclude a specific screenshot

You can remove screenshots for specific steps. Click to toggle between including or excluding a screenshot for a specific step.

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Submit defect

If your administrator has enabled the integration with ALM Octane in the administration settings, you can submit defects during a recorded manual testing session. For details, see Defect Tracking System integration.

To submit a defect:

  1. Click the Submit Defect button.
  1. UFT Mobile checks the connection to ALM Octane. A new tab opens to log into ALM Octane. After successfully logging in, or if you are already logged in to ALM Octane, you can close the tab.

    If your UFT Mobile username is different from your ALM Octane username, you will prompted to provide your ALM Octane username.
  2. In the Submit Defect dialog box, give your defect a name, and select the ALM Octane workspace to which to submit the defect. Only workspaces to which you have access are listed.
    UFT Mobile will populate the description field of the defect with the device details (manufacturer, model, ID, version) and the numbered list of steps.

    Note: The workspace will be saved and set as the default for the next defect that you submit.

    If you selected to include a screenshot with a step, the screenshot will be included in a zip file that is automatically attached to the defect. Screenshot files are named according to the step number. The zip file also contains the device log file.

  3. Click Save to submit your defect.

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Live log

Use the live log to examine the device log in real time and to investigate issues encountered during testing.

To use the live log:

  1. In the panel on the side of the device access window panel, click the Live log button .
  2. Select either an application log, or the device log. For application logs, select one or more apps from the list of UFTM lab apps installed on the device. When selecting an app or changing the selection, any existing log displayed in the panel will be cleared.
  3. Click the Start button to start the live log. Use the drop-down in the panel to select the logging level - debug, trace, info, warn, error, or fatal. Use the toolbar for auto-scroll, text wrap, download, and copy options.
  4. Click the Stop button to stop the live log.

Note: Only the last 1000 lines of the log are displayed in the panel. If you need to download the full log, use the Download device logs option.

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Accessibility testing

Test that VoiceOver/TalkBack users can navigate your app conveniently by verifying the VoiceOver/TalkBack output, attributes, and the navigation order of accessibility elements.

Note: Accessibility testing on iOS devices is supported only on iOS version 13 and later.

To test accessibility:

  1. In the side panel of the device access window panel, click the Accessibility testing button .
  2. Toggle Accessibility testing to On.
  3. To shift the focus to an element, use the Next and Previous buttons in the Accessibility Testing toolbar to move between elements, or hold the Ctrl key and use your mouse to click the element.

    Tip: Navigating between elements enables you to verify that the order of the elements makes sense, and that there are no navigation traps — elements that cannot be reached using the VoiceOver/TalkBack swipe right/left gesture.

    The element in focus is highlighted with a blue border. When elements overlap, the top element highlighted by VoiceOver/TalkBack when you tap this specific location on the screen is highlighted. The VoiceOver/TalkBack descriptions for each accessibility element are displayed as text, together with the available attributes for the element. You can also use mouse-over to view the details of an element.

  4. To display all the accessibility elements on the screen, click the Show all elements button . Elements are marked with their accessibility frame. To view the navigation order of the elements, click the dropdown next to the button and select Show order.
  1. After a change such as performing a gesture, changing the device orientation, entering text in a text box, or opening a new page, click the Refresh button in the accessibility testing panel to refresh the accessibility data. If the last highlighted element is still on the screen, it is highlighted. If not, the top element of the accessibility tree is highlighted.

Note: Exploratory recording is not supported for accessibility testing.

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Known issues with recorded sessions

  • A screenshot of the last action is not recorded and not saved to the report log.
  • When recording on iOS devices, hybrid/web is supported only for iOS version 11 and higher.

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Manual testing with Sprinter

Sprinter is a software solution for interactive testing, including testing mobile applications. Sprinter provides advanced functionality and tools to make interactive testing more efficient and effective.

When you start up Sprinter, you select whether to log in with your ALM credentials or connect to UFT Mobile.

Installation prerequisites

  • Enable browser cookies.
  • Clean devices of any apps installed using earlier versions of UFT Mobile.

Install Sprinter

Install Visit the Sprinter page in the AppDelivery Marketplace.

Open the Sprinter Help Center.

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