Uninstall UFT Mobile (on-premises)

Follow the instructions below to uninstall the UFT Mobile server from Linux and Windows machines. This section is relevant only for on-premises deployments of UFT Mobile.

In this topic:

Uninstall from Linux

You remove a Linux server installation by running the uninstall script on your UFT Mobile server:

  1. Log into the UFT Mobile server machine as root user.

  2. Change directory to the installation directory:
    cd <path to installation folder> (Default /opt/UFTMobile)
  3. Run the uninstall script by entering the following command:
    1. Press Enter to confirm you want to uninstall UFT Mobile.
    2. Confirm whether to remove the Linux user account used when installing UFT Mobile.
    3. Enter y to uninstall the PostgreSQL database and to delete the application file storage directory.
    4. If you uninstall UFT Mobile without uninstalling the PostgreSQL database, the encrypted.properties file will be backed up to /var/.hpmc-config so that you can re-use the hp4m schema in future with an external database.

Uninstall from Windows

Remove the UFT Mobile server from your machine in one of the following ways:

  1. Double click the shortcut on the desktop and select Uninstall UFT Mobile Server.
    Alternatively, uninstall from the Apps page in Settings, or from the Programs and Features control panel.
  2. Select Yes to uninstall the PostgreSQL database and to delete the application file storage directory.
  3. If you uninstall UFT Mobile without uninstalling the PostgreSQL database, the encrypted.properties file will be backed up to C:\Program Files\.hpmc-config so that you can re-use the hp4m schema in future with an external database.

Troubleshooting and tips

Uninstall logs can be found in the following location: