Dev Access
The Dev Access plugin (Android) and app (iOS) provide a user-friendly interface for connecting to and interacting with devices in the Digital Lab device lab, from within your integrated development environment (IDE). Dev access is not supported on OpenText public devices, ADF devices, WeTest devices, and emulators.
Install Dev Access
This sections explains how to install Dev Access for Android and iOS devices.
To connect to Android devices, install the UFT Digital Lab plugin from the JetBrains Marketplace.
To overcome known issues caused by the JDK version running your IDE, we recommend running the plugin with the Jetbrains Runtime environment. This environment fixes various bugs and known issues with official JDK builds, and provides better stability.
To download Jetbrains Runtime in your IDE (Android Studio/ Intellij):
- Select Settings > Plugins and search for the Choose Runtime plugin. Download and install the plugin, and then restart your IDE.
- In the Help Menu, click Find Action and search for Choose Runtime.
- Search for a Java runtime version name beginning with jbrsdk. Select the runtime, and then download and install it.
- To connect to iOS devices download the app from Digital Lab as follows:
- Navigate to the Device Lab > Devices page. Hover over the device's card and click the Dev Access
, or in list mode, select a device and click Dev Access.
- Select the Mac operating system and click Download.
- Navigate to the Device Lab > Devices page. Hover over the device's card and click the Dev Access
- Extract the files on your IDE machine.
- Open Terminal and grant execution permission to the files by running the following command in the folder to which you extracted the files:
sudo chmod –R 777 *
Configure settings
Before starting, make sure that have an execution key. If not, generate one. For details, see Generate and manage access keys.
- Open the plugin/app. For iOS, users with sudo permissions can double click dev-access-ui.command to open the dev access interface.
- In the Settings tab, provide the following:
- URL for the Digital Lab server and port.
- Your execution key.
- If connecting via proxy server, specify the details of the proxy machine.
- ADB execution file path (Android only): This is automatically detected from your IDE. Browse to select a different ADB version file if needed.
- Click Log in.
Connect to Lab devices
- Select the Devices tab.
- Enable the connection by clicking the Enable Digital Lab Dev Access radio button.
- Select a Digital Lab workspace. The list of devices allocated to that workspace and all shared devices are displayed.
Note that the Android plugin displays Android devices only. The iOS app displays iOS devices only. - Select a device from the list, and click CONNECT DEVICE. Repeat this step to connect to multiple devices.
- When you connect to a Lab device, the remote device view opens and you can interact with the device.
- To end a device session, select the device in the list and click DISCONNECT DEVICE.
Note that local devices cannot be accessed while Dev Access is enabled. To switch back to your local devices, click the disable Digital Lab Dev Access radio button.
Known issues
- Dev access is not supported when shared spaces are enabled (multi tenancy).
- When using the Dev access plugin with Android Studio using JDK 11 or above, the remote device viewer shrinks. This issue is caused by JavaFX not respecting the Windows OS scale.
Workaround: In Settings >Display > Scale and Layout> Change the size of text, app, and other items change the scale to 100%. - When using JRE/JDK version 8u211/8u212/8u222, a white screen is displayed on the remote device viewer. This issue is resolved when using JDK 8u231
- If you launch Xcode after starting a session on an iOS device, the CPU usage for Dev Access reaches 100%.
- macOS Catalina:
- You may need to click multiple times on the DISCONNECT DEVICE button to stop a session.
- You may be unable to paste access keys to the GUI tools.
See also: