Install the connector on a Mac machine

The Device Connector is a standalone component for connecting devices to Digital Lab. You can install the connector as a standalone component on a Mac machine, and configure it to connect to the Digital Lab server. Devices connected to distributed connector machines become part of the Digital Lab device lab.

This section describes how to install the connector on a Mac machine for testing iOS or Android phones.

For details on how to see all your connectors, see View and manage connectors.

Before you start

The standalone connector for Digital Lab  can be installed as a full installation, or as an upgrade to an existing installation of the connector.

Before installing or updating the connector, check that your machine complies with the recommended system requirements and that your devices are supported. For details, see Connector requirements in the Support matrix, Connect devices to Digital Lab, and Installation and configuration best practices.

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Considerations for iOS 17

 A number of considerations should be taken into account before installing the Mac connector.

Considerations Details
Supported OS

UFT Digital Lab 24.2 and later/ ValueEdge Digital Lab: iOS 17 is currently supported only on a Mac connector and on a Linux Ubuntu version 22.04.3 connector (standalone or embedded).

UFT Digital Lab 23.4: iOS 17 is currently supported only on a Mac connector. Refer to the support matrix for patch information for iOS 17 versions. For details, see Support matrix.

Internet connection

To fetch a signature key from Apple from time to time, the connector machine must have access to the following:


UFT Digital Lab 23.4:
The connector machine must also have access to the following:







OpenText recommends allowing access to all *.apple domains.

Other iOS 17 considerations
  • Dev access is not supported on iOS 17 devices.

  • Connecting AWS Device Farm and WeTest devices is not supported.

  • Force quit application is not supported.

  • UFT Digital Lab 23.4: Patch 2 for iOS 17.4.x - WebView may not be detected. When this happens, steps on iOS 17.4.x devices cannot be recorded and replayed when testing unpackaged hybrid apps and web apps.

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Before installing the connector, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

New installation only

  1. The server should be accessible to the connector. Go to: http/s://<Digital Lab server IP address>:<server port> and check that you can access Digital Lab.
  2. Make sure that the time and time zone on the connector machine matches that of the Digital Lab server.
  3. Obtain an access key for the connector from the Digital Lab server. You are prompted for the key during the connector installation.
    • Admin user: select the Access Keys tab. Click Generate New and provide a name, type (Connector), expiration date, description (optional). Then, click Generate.
    • Non-admin user: request one from your admin. Select Contact Your Admin from the Help menu (upper right).

iOS 17 - UFT Digital Lab 23.4 only

Before you install the Mac connector for iOS 17:

  1. Ensure the MacOS has been upgraded to 13.4 or later and that Xcode 15.0 or later is installed.

  2. Install the iOS 17 runtime with Xcode.
    In the Xcode menu, select Settings > Platforms > iOS 17 > GET.

  3. Sign in to your Apple Developer account in Xcode. This account must be the same account used for signing the Digital Lab Agent-Runner apps. For details, see Agent apps in Manage apps.

  4. In Xcode Settings > Accounts, select the Apple account and click Download Manual Profiles.

  5. If you have more than one Xcode version on you Mac, make sure that Xcode15 is the default.

    In Xcode Settings > Locations > Command Line tools, select Xcode 15.

  6. Launch Xcode at least once to initialize all related data. If needed, accept the license agreement.

  7. Follow the steps below for setting up you Mac machine and installing the Digital Lab. The connector must be installed with your current Xcode user. This user must have administrator permissions.

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Set up your Mac machine

  1. To use an existing user for the connector installation, the user needs to be in Primary Group 1. To add an existing user to Primary Group 1, run the following command:
    sudo dscl . -create /Users/<userName> PrimaryGroupID 1
  2. The following are prerequisites for installing the connector: OpenSSL-1.1.0h or LibreSSL-2.2.7.
  3. When installing the connector on a Mac machine with an Apple Silicon processor, Apple Rosetta must be installed on the machine. The Mac machine requires access to Apple update services to install this program.
  4. Download the Mac connector in one of the following ways:

    • Admin user: Click Download Connector in the CONNECTORS page.
    • Non-admin user: Select Download Connector from the Help menu in the upper right corner of the Digital Lab console.

      macOS Catalina and later: If the UFT Digital Lab connector software is downloaded directly to your Mac from an OpenText official web site, remove the metadata in the downloaded file by running the following command:
    • Terminal: xattr -c

      Example: xattr -c

  5. Extract the files:
    Terminal: unzip <name of macOS connector installation file>.zip –d <target folder>
  6. Move the connector installation folder to the Applications folder.
    Terminal: cp –r desktop/<target folder> /Applications
  7. Change folder permissions using Terminal:
    1. Change permissions on the connector installation folder and subfolders:
    2. sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/<target folder>

    1. Change permissions on the folder that you are using for temporary files during the installation (Default: tmp):
    2. sudo chmod -R 777 /private/tmp

  8. macOS Mojave and later: Verify that the installer has full disk permissions:

    1. Open System Preferences
    2. In Security & Privacy, select the Privacy tab
    3. Select Full Disk Access, then click the lock icon. Use your Touch ID or enter your system administrator credentials and click Unlock.
    4. Click the + button and add the UFT Digital Lab install app.

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Install with the installation wizard

  1. In the Applications folder, go to your connector installation folder and locate the install file (.app file).
  2. Run the file as root or admin user.

  3. Note: Accept any popups that Digital Lab is trying to install a new helper tool, by entering your user password.

  4. The Installation wizard opens. Read the contents and click Next.

  5. Fill in the information or answer the questions in each of the Installation wizard pages following these guidelines:

    Enter your credentials. For Digital Lab, enter the access key provided by your admin.

    Digital Lab SaaS: The SSL Enabled option should be selected.

    If connecting over a proxy, select Server address in the proxy section, and specify the server, port, and credentials if required.
    Connector configuration
    Provide a meaningful name for the connector, as this allows you to effectively filter devices based on connector names. Enter the Connector's IP address or FQDN, or accept the defaults.
  6. UFT Digital Lab 23.4:
    After installing the connector, modify file access by running the following command:

    Copy code
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/*

    For a Mac computer with an Intel chip, run the following additional commands:
    Copy code
    mkdir -p /usr/local/opt/pcre2/lib/
    cp /usr/local/lib/libpcre2-8.0.dylib /usr/local/opt/pcre2/lib/
    mkdir -p /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/
    cp /usr/local/lib/libssl.3.dylib /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/
    cp /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.3.dylib /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/

    For a Mac computer with an Apple silicon chip, run the following additional commands:
    Copy code
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/*
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/opt/pcre2/lib/*

    For more details on Apple chipsets, see Mac computers with Apple silicon in the Apple documentation.

  7. Restart the Digital Lab service.

    UFT Digital Lab 24.2 and later/ ValueEdge Digital Lab: If connecting iOS 17 devices, note that the Start option in the Installer UI does not fully start all related processes. At the command prompt, run the following to start the service:

    Copy code
    sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service restart

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Install with Terminal

  1. Navigate to the following folder:
    cd /Applications/<Connector installation folder>/

  2. Run sudo ./install. Press Enter and Y/N when prompted to do so, for example to accept the license agreement.
  3. Fill in the information or answer the questions in each of the Installation wizard pages following these guidelines:

    Enter your credentials. For Digital Lab, enter the access key provided by your admin.

    Digital Lab SaaS: The SSL Enabled option should be selected.

    If connecting over a proxy, select Server address in the proxy section, and specify the server, port, and credentials if required.
    Connector configuration
    Provide a meaningful name for the connector, as this allows you to effectively filter devices based on connector names. Enter the Connector's IP address or FQDN, or accept the defaults.
  4. For details on how to change the configuration after the installation, see Reconfigure the Mac connector.

  5. UFT Digital Lab 23.4:
    After installing the connector, modify file access by running the following command:

    Copy code
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/*

    For a Mac computer with an Intel chip, run the following additional commands:
    Copy code
    mkdir -p /usr/local/opt/pcre2/lib/
    cp /usr/local/lib/libpcre2-8.0.dylib /usr/local/opt/pcre2/lib/
    mkdir -p /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/
    cp /usr/local/lib/libssl.3.dylib /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/
    cp /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.3.dylib /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/

    For a Mac computer with an Apple silicon chip, run the following additional commands:
    Copy code
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/*
    sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/opt/pcre2/lib/*

    For more details on Apple chipsets, see Mac computers with Apple silicon in the Apple documentation.

  6. Restart the Digital Lab service:

    Copy code
    sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service restart

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Connect devices

  1. Codesign the Agent apps and distribute them to the connector machine. For details, see Re-sign the Agent apps. If the Mac connector is running, restart it.
  2. Set up your Mac machine to detect the devices you want to connect to Digital Lab by performing the following steps:
    Device OSDetails
    1. macOS El Capitan (10.11.6) - macOS Mojave (10.14.6): iTunes 12.8 or later is required for syncing to the Mac machine. Check that you have an updated version of iTunes on your Mac.
      For macOS Catalina (10.15) and later, only Finder is required for syncing.

    2. Make sure that your iOS devices are supported. For details, see Support matrix.
    3. Follow the steps for Initial device configuration
    1. Install the USB drivers for your devices. Each device manufacturer has its own USB drivers for Mac. Follow the instructions from the device manufacturer. See the Android Developers documentation for a list of links to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) USB Drivers.
    2. If you haven't already done so, follow the steps for the initial configuration of Android devices.
  3. Connect your devices to your machine using a USB port.

    On some devices, when you connect the device using a USB port, the device issues a security alert. Accept the warning.

    Tip: Some phones have USB settings that allow the data connection to be enabled separately from the charging connection. If your phone has this option, check the settings to ensure your USB data connection is enabled.

    macOS El Capitan (10.11.6) - macOS Mojave (10.14.6): For a new installation of macOS el Capitan - Mojave, make sure that you open iTunes before plugging in a device.

  4. Wait until the Agent is running on the device.

Caution: To ensure integrity and confidentiality of the information stored with Digital Lab, we strongly recommend that you incorporate file system monitoring on the installation and temporary folders.

  1. (Optional) If you have Xcode installed, you can check whether the machine recognizes an iOS device using the instruments command:

    instruments -s devices

    The result of this command should be a list of devices IDs (UDID). If your device is not listed when connected to the USB port, this may mean that:

    • The USB port is not working (hardware problem).
    • You are not using the most up-to-date version of iTunes. Upgrade your version of iTunes.

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Start or stop the Mac connector

When you run the installation, by default the Mac connector is installed as a Mac service. You are prompted to start this service at the end of the installation.

UFT Digital Lab 24.2 and later/ ValueEdge Digital Lab: If connecting iOS 17 devices, note that the Start option in the Installer UI does not fully start all related processes. To ensure that all processes for supporting iOS 17 devices are started, run the following command to start the service:

Copy code
sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service restart

If you choose not to start the service at the conclusion of the installation, you can stop and start the connector at a later time in Terminal.

To start, restart, or stop the connector:

In Terminal, change directory to /opt/UFTDigitalLab/scripts and run the following commands. These commands require root access.



Start the connector

Method 1

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/DL.plist
Start the connector

Method 2

sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service start
Restart the connector sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service restart


Stop the connector sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service stop


  • MacOS restart -UFT Digital Lab 24.2 and later/ ValueEdge Digital Lab: Even though the connector starts automatically when the operating system is restarted, the connector services must be restarted manually using 'sudo' to ensure that related processes for supporting iOS 17 devices are started.

  • iOS 17 devices - Digital Lab versions earlier than 24.2: After restarting the Mac connector, some iOS 17 devices may not connect to Digital Lab. If this happens, open Xcode > Window > Devices and Simulators and check if there is a trust notification that needs to be accepted.

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Reconfigure the Mac connector

If you need to modify your connector details, for example to change the server or connector details, you can reconfigure the connector’s settings without having to reinstall it.

To reconfigure the connector:

Double-click Digital Lab_Update in the machine's Applications >UFT Digital Lab Connector folder.

To reconfigure from Terminal:

  1. Change directory to the installation folder. cd /opt/UFTDigitalLab/installation/
  2. Run the upgrade script:

UFT Digital Lab 24.2 and later/ ValueEdge Digital Lab: If connecting iOS 17 devices, note that the Start option in the Installer UI does not fully start all related processes. At the command prompt, run the following to start the service:

Copy code
sudo /Users/<user name used when installing the connector>/DL_service restart

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Troubleshooting the Mac connector

For tips and guidelines on troubleshooting the Mac connector to work, see Mac connector.

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Patch installation

To benefit from the latest enhancements and fixes, install the latest patch for your current version of Digital Lab. Server and connector patches can be downloaded from Software Licenses and Downloads. The latest patch includes the content of any previous patches. There is no need to install previous patches.

Important: If you use the remote iOS signing service, this should be upgraded before you upgrade the server.

When upgrading the server to the latest patch, the following should also be upgraded:

  • All connectors

  • Manual signing tools (if applicable)

    • iOS Enabler for manual signing of iOS apps. After installing the server patch, the iOS  enabler is available in the Agent folder. Patches are available on the ADM Marketplace.

    • Android Enabler for manual signing of Android apps. After installing the server patch, the updated Android enabler is available in the server folder.

Follow the patch installation instructions included in the patch release.

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Uninstall the Mac connector

You can remove the connector for Mac by running the uninstall program on the Mac OS machine, or using Terminal. The uninstall requires root or admin permissions.

Note: If you installed the connector using a terminal (PuTTY), you can only uninstall it using a terminal.

To uninstall the connector:

Double-click Digital Lab_Uninstall in the machine's Applications > UFT Digital Lab Connector folder.

To uninstall using Terminal:

  1. Change directory to the installation folder. cd /opt/UFTDigitalLab/installation/
  2. Run the uninstall script:

See also: