What's new in ValueEdge Digital Lab

This topic includes descriptions of new features available in the 24.3 release.

Dev access

Connect Digital Lab devices to your integrated development environment (IDE) for development and debugging and to remotely control them. For details, see Dev Access.

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File transfer in Selenium

As part of your Selenium script, you can upload or download a file to or from a website on a remote machine. For details, see Browser lab.

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Upload app to shared assets permission

A new user permission allows admins to prevent users from uploading apps to shared assets. Apps in shared assets are available to all users. For details, see User permissions.

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Reservation auto-extension for VoiceOver testing

The reservation of the linked Android device can now also be extended automatically. For details, see Device reservation settings.

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Localization in usage data files

Reports include a localized timestamp column that displays the converted epoch time in a user-friendly format. For details, see Data Usage Collection in Lab Console.

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APJ region

A new location was added for cloud browsers. OpenText cloud browsers are now also available in Sydney, Australia.

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See also: