Android secure layout

Some Android apps use the FLAG_SECURE flag to protect sensitive screens in applications. For details, see the Android Developer documentation. The flag treats the content of a window as secure, preventing it from appearing in screenshots or from being viewed on non-secure displays. In addition, Chrome incognito mode and customized device manufacturer settings, such as the secure layout enabled lock screen on Huawei Nova devices, also employ secure layout.

Android versions 8- 11: Secure layout apps are supported in the remote view.

Android 12 and later:  Secure layout apps are not supported. The window content is not displayed. A message that a secure window was detected is displayed instead. You can exit the window with the back/ home button. To view secure layout apps on these devices, do one of the following:

  • Ask your developers to create a version of the app that does not use the FLAG_SECURE flag.
  • Use the Android Enabler to remove the flag. For details, see Package an Android app manually.