Upgrade packaged apps

When you upgrade the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server, packaged apps that were previously uploaded to OpenText Functional Testing Lab need to be upgraded to be available for users during testing. During the server upgrade, the installer recognizes that you may have apps on the server that require repackaging, and prompts you to run the upgrader. If you choose not to run the upgrader when prompted, you can run it manually.

This section is not relevant for OpenText Core SDP and OpenText Core Functional Testing Lab.

In this topic:

About the app upgrader

The upgrader enables you to upgrade your apps in one operation, instead of uploading each app again to OpenText Functional Testing Lab.

An app that is incompatible with the upgraded OpenText Functional Testing Lab server is displayed as a faded card, with an error icon in the corner. This could happen if you originally packaged your app manually and then uploaded it to the server.

App not upgraded with error icon in corner.

If your apps were packaged manually using either Android Enabler (Android) or iOS Enabler (iOS) and then uploaded to OpenText Functional Testing Lab, the upgrader is not able to upgrade your apps. You need to repackage your apps using the latest version of these tools before uploading them to OpenText Functional Testing Lab. For details, see Package an Android app manually or Package an iOS app manually with the packager service.

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Considerations before using the app upgrader

To run the upgrader on Android apps signed with a private key, or on iOS apps, you must have already configured the app packager. The upgrader uses the same settings. See Automatic signing services and About app signing services .

For iOS apps: Make sure to also download the Packager Service for your version of OpenText Functional Testing Lab, and install it on your Mac as described in Signing service for iOS apps.

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Run the app upgrader

To manually upgrade your apps with the app upgrader tool:

  1. Change directory to the PackagingUpgradeTool directory:

    OS Location
    Linux cd <FunctionalTestingLabForMobileAndWeb_server_installdir>server/PackagingUpgradeTool Default: opt/FunctionalTestingLabForMobileAndWeb/server/PackagingUpgradeTool
    Windows From a command prompt:
    cd <Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web_server_installdir>\server\PackagingUpgradeTool
  2. At the command prompt, run the following command to start the app packager upgrader tool:

    OS Command
    Linux ./packaging-upgrade-tool.sh
    Windows packaging-upgrade-tool.bat
  3. Specify the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server details, the OpenText Functional Testing Lab user, and select the operating systems of the apps you want to upgrade. When prompted, provide the OpenText Functional Testing Lab user password. If you have enabled the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server to work with LDAP, use your LDAP credentials or use the credentials for the "admin@default.com" user.

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If your apps were packaged manually using either the Android Enabler or the iOS Enabler (iOS) and then uploaded to OpenText Functional Testing Lab, the upgrader is not able to upgrade them. Repackage your apps using the latest version of the these tools before uploading them to OpenText Functional Testing Lab. For details, see Package an Android app manually or Package an iOS app manually with the packager service.

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