Collect and sanitize logs

You can collect and sanitize OpenText Functional Testing Lab server and connector logs.

This section is not relevant for OpenText Core SDP and OpenText Core Functional Testing Lab.


You can run a script in the command line, to collect and sanitize server and connector logs. You can limit the size of logs, by selecting logs for a specific machine, or by selecting the latest logs only. This is useful because the log files may contain a large number of files. If you are only interested in a particular machine or time period, downloading specific logs makes it easier to identify the information that you are looking for. With the script, you can also mask sensitive information such as machine addresses or user names, and prevent this data from being included in the logs.

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Run the script

Run the log sanitization script in the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server's bin folder. The parameters -output and -adminExecutionToken are required:

OS Command
Windows <Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web_server_installdir>\server\bin\log_sanitization.bat -output <destination folder> -adminExecutionToken <execution key string>

Default path to file: C:\Program Files\Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web Server\server\bin\log_sanitization.bat

Linux <FunctionalTestingLabForMobileAndWeb_server_installdir>/server/bin/ -output <destination folder> -adminExecutionToken<execution key string>

Default path to file: /opt/FunctionalTestingLabForMobileAndWeb/server/bin/

The following table includes script parameters:

Parameter Options
  • yes (default)
  • no
  • all (default)
  • specific

    When this parameter is used, you also need to provide the name of the connector. This is the name displayed in the Device lab > Connectors tab.

  • all (default)
  • latest
  • all (default)
  • usernames
  • app_details

    masks the app names and bundle IDs

  • machine_addresses
  • directories

    file system paths: base install directory, base storage directory, base temp directory.

-output The directory to which save the logs.
-adminExecutionToken Execution access key of the OpenText Functional Testing Lab admin user. For details on access keys, see Access key management.


This is an example of running the script to collect the latest server and connector logs, masking all the data.

C:\Program Files\Functional Testing Lab for Mobile and Web Server\server\bin\log_sanitization.bat -output C:\MyLogs -adminExecutionToken "client=oauth2-*******; secret=***********; tenant=*******" -collectPeriod latest -dataToMask all