Browser lab
Run tests from OpenText Functional testing, or run Selenium tests or manual tests on cloud desktop browsers.
In the Browsers tab, you can open a cloud browser for manual testing. In the Sessions tab, you can view and manage all running browser sessions. In the Selenium capabilities tab, you can use the script generator to generate the code required for running your Selenium v4 test with OpenText Functional Testing Lab.
An execution key is required to connect to the lab. The key is used to authenticate the connection to the lab. For details, see Access key management.
OpenText Functional Testing Lab: In addition to key-based authentication, password authentication is also supported on OpenText Functional testing.
Due to security restrictions, only HTTPS websites are supported on cloud browsers.
Accessing private services from cloud browsers requires integration with Cloudflare. For details, see Administration settings.
The Browser Lab is displayed only if:
The cloud browser lab integration is enabled. For details, see the OpenText hosted lab integration in Administration settings.
You have a valid license.
OpenText Functional Testing Lab: A valid public device and cloud browsers hours license must be installed on AutoPass server. In addition, the AutoPass License server settings must be configured in Administration settings.
Browsers tab
In the Browser tab, you can open a cloud browser for manual testing. To access the tab, select Browser Lab > Browsers. Browser versions, as well as the location of the browser machines are displayed.
The following methods are available for finding a specific browser machine.
Method | Details |
Search | Click the Search button in the Browser Lab page. In the text box, start typing the browser, version, or location. |
Filter | Use the filter to limit the items that are displayed. Using the filter pane, you can specify the browser, version, and location. |
Run an OpenText Functional testing test on a cloud browser
You can run an OpenText Functional testing test on cloud browsers. After configuring the OpenText Functional Testing Lab integration, use the Web tab in the Record and Run Settings to select a browser for your test. For details, see the OpenText Functional Testing Help Center.
Run a Selenium test on a cloud browser
You can run Selenium tests on cloud browsers. As part of your test, you can transfer a file from or to a cloud browser. You can also record test sessions.
To run a Selenium test:
Open the Selenium capabilities tab. To access the tab , select Browser Lab > Selenium capabilities.
Generate the code required for your Selenium v4 tests.
Alternatively, you can manually add the capabilities and the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server URL to your Selenium script. For details, see Selenium capabilities.
Cloudflare integration only: Selenium tests on Firefox 129 and later are not supported.
upload or download a file:
As part of your Selenium script, you can transfer a file to or from a cloud browser using the Selenium solution for RemoteWebDriver. The file size limit is 20MB. For more details on using Remote WebDriver, see the Selenium documentation.
Known issues:
If you exceed the file size limit, the script stops running without an informative error message.
Due to Selenium limitations, file download with Python or Javascript is not supported.
To record a testing session:
Video recording of test sessions can be enabled by your administrator. When enabled, you can record your Selenium session by adding the Selenium video capability to your script.
For more details, see Selenium capabilities. For details on the video recording setting, see File storage settings in Administration settings.
At the end of the test session, you can download the video. For more details, see Test results.
OpenText Core SDP: The video recording setting is always enabled. Record your Selenium session by adding the Selenium video capability to your script.
Run a manual test on a cloud browser
You can interact with a cloud browser remotely to perform manual and exploratory testing.
To run a manual test:
Hover over the browser in Card view.
Click the Open browser remotely button
Video recording of test sessions can be enabled by your administrator. When enabled, the session recording starts when you open the cloud browser remotely. For more details on this setting, see File storage settings in Administration settings. For details on how to download the video, see Test results.
Click the Take screenshot button
to take a screenshot of the cloud browser display.
You can copy text from a remote browser and also paste text to a remote browser. To paste text, click the Send text button
and paste the copied text.
To end the session, click the X button in the corner of the remote display. To close the display without ending a manual testing session, click the Close display button
If you close the browser tab, the session continues to run even though the remote view is no longer visible.
Multiple remote sessions are supported. However, if you open a browser that is already open, the browser opens in read-only mode. In read-only mode, the X button closes the display but does not terminate a manual testing session.
Note: Other operations such as opening a command line, or installing or opening other browsers on the cloud machine are not recommended.
Sessions tab
The Sessions tab provides an overall view of current browser testing sessions. To access the tab, select Browser lab > Sessions. You can also manage sessions from this tab or access a cloud browser remotely for debugging an automated test.
Note: OpenText Functional testing browser tests can also be opened directly from OpenText Functional testing.
Running sessions are displayed with the following details:
Start time
User - visible for admin users only
Session type: manual testing: UFT One; or Selenium.
You can perform the following actions in the Sessions tab.
Action | Details |
View browser sessions |
You can find a specific session as follows:
Admin users can view all browser sessions. Workspace admins and regular users can view only sessions that they create. |
Stop and remove sessions |
Select one or more sessions and click the Stop and remove button |
Open a running session |
You can access a running browser session as follows:
If the browser is already open, the browser opens in read-only mode.
Selenium capabilities
Use the script generator to generate the code required for running Selenium v4 tests through OpenText Functional Testing Lab. When the script is run with the driver creation command, a cloud machine is allocated according to the selected capabilities and the test is run on it.
To generate the Selenium script:
Go to Browser Lab and select the Selenium capabilities tab.
In the filter pane, select the core browser capabilities required.
In the script pane, select your programming language.
The code is generated automatically. The code includes the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server URL in the RemoteWebDriver, and the required capabilities based on your selections.
Click Copy to clipboard.
Paste the code into your Selenium v4 script.
Edit the script to include your OAuth client ID, OAuth client secret, and tenant ID. These details are available when you generate an execution key. For details, see Access key management.
Alternatively, you can manually add the capabilities and the OpenText Functional Testing Lab server URL to your Selenium script.
Selenium capabilities
The mandatory capabilities for Selenium are detailed in the following table.
Capabilities | Description |
browserType | The browser on which you want to run your test: Firefox, Chrome, or Edge |
browserVersion |
The version of the browser you want to test. Use latest to choose the latest supported release. For details, see the Support matrix. |
The mandatory OpenText Functional Testing Lab specific browser capabilities (-dl options) for Selenium are detailed in the following table.
Capabilities | Description |
oauthClientId | An execution type access key that is needed to run tests. For details, see Access key management. When you generate the key, you can copy the credentials to the clipboard. |
oauthClientSecret | The client secret is provided together with the client ID when you generate your execution access key. |
tenantId | The tenant ID is provided together with the client ID and secret when you generate your execution access key. |
osType | The operating system of the cloud browser machine. |
region | The location of the cloud browser machine. |
The following additional capabilities can also be used with your Selenium test.
Capabilities | Description |
video |
Set to true to record a video of the test. To generate a recording of a test session, video recording must also be enabled in Administration settings. For details, see Administration settings. |