Dimensions CM New Feature History

This document describes key feature enhancements in the last major releases of Dimensions CM, starting with version 10.1. Last updated 10th January 2018.

Dimensions CM 14.xDimensions CM 12.xDimensions CM 2009.xDimensions CM 10.xFixed IssuesKnown IssuesLegal Notice

Dimensions CM 14.x

14.4 |14.3.3 |14.3.2 | 14.3.1 | 14.3 | |

New Features in Dimensions CM 14.4

Release date: 10th January 2018

Support for PostgreSQL

Dimensions CM 14.4 supports PostgreSQL, an open source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). For information about using PostgreSQL with CM, see the following sections in these documents:

Installation Guides (Windows and UNIX)

System Administration Guide


Ignore Items during a Delivery

You can exclude specific files, folders, and file types from deliveries, for example, backup files and built artifacts. To exclude items you define ignore rules in a .dmignore file. Each location (a folder or directory) has a single .dmignore file but you can have multiple ignore files across a hierarchy of folders. You can also apply ignore rules recursively across subfolders.

The DELIVER and SHELVE commands support a new /NOIGNORE qualifier that allows you to skip restrictions specified in .dmignore files.

Note For the web client, only supported with Web Client Tools (not Java applets).

Undo Delivery

You can roll back the delivery of files and folders to a stream or project. For example, you deliver changes but discover problems in the code and decide to remove the changes. An Undo operation:

This feature is available in all clients. In the command-line client use the UNDO command.

Revert from Work Area

You can remove the changes in a work area associated with a stream and replace them with the previous versions. For example, you have made changes locally and delivered them to a stream, but subsequently you decide to revert the changes in the work area.

This feature is available in all clients. In the command-line client, the UPDATE command has a new /UNDO qualifier.

Note For the web client, o nly supported with Web Client Tools (not Java applets).

Visual Studio Integration

Eclipse Integration

Serena Explorer is now called Dimensions Explorer.

Deliver, Merge, and Shelve Wizards Improvements

The wizards have been extensively redesigned:

Pulse in Clients

The following Pulse features are integrated into the desktop client, and the Visual Studio and Eclipse IDEs:

Desktop Client Improvements

New Features in Serena Dimensions CM 14.3.3

Release date: 24th May 2017

Dimensions CM Server HTTP Connector

HTTP/S may be required for security reasons or for compatibility with network infrastructure such as proxies and firewalls. This is particularly true where the connection between a Dimensions CM server and clients goes over a public or virtual private network. The Dimensions CM Server HTTP Connector allows clients and agents to connect to a server using the HTTP/S network protocols instead of the default Standard Dimensions Protocol (SDP). The connector accepts network connections using HTTP/S and forwards the traffic to the server.

On Windows there is a new service, Serena Dimensions HTTP Connector, that opens port 80 and starts automatically.

Note The HTTP/S connector is only supported on Windows and Linux64.

For details, see the Dimensions CM System Administration Guide.

Web Client Tools and Removal of Support for Java Applets

The web client uses a Java applet for version management operations in work areas, such as update and deliver. If your environment does not allow Java, or you are using a browser that does not support Java applets, you can use Web Client Tools instead on Windows. Web Client Tools are disabled by default, for information about enabling and configuring them, see the Dimensions CM System Administration Guide.

For information about installing and using Web Client Tools on your machine, see the online help or the Dimensions CM User's Guide.

Remove Unused VDA Records

Information about the status and history of deployment jobs is stored in VDA records in a database. Use the RVDA command to remove unused records of deleted areas. For details, see the Dimensions CM Command-Line Reference.

New Features in Serena Dimensions CM 14.3.2

Release date: 31st October 2016

Dimensions CM Git Connector

The Dimensions CM Git Connector brings central control and security to teams using Git, allowing them to store code in a CM stream. Streams can be shared by developers using Git or Dimensions CM. For details, see the Git Connector User's Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Request Planning

Various improvements including:

Dimensions CM Pulse

New Features in Serena Dimensions CM 14.3.1

Release date: 31st August 2016

Archive, Retrieval, and Transfer Facilities

Archive, Retrieval, and Transfer (ART) Facilities, including TBO/TBI, are now supported, for details, see the System Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM documentation.

Note Only supported on Oracle.

Dimensions Build

If you use Dimensions Build you must update your scheduler passwords as the method used to encrypt them has changed.

New Features in Serena Dimensions CM 14.3

Release date: 26th May 2016

Request planning

Integration with Serena Deployment Automation

Integration with Docker

Dimensions CM Pulse

Delegate personal streams

New commands

LDAP synchronization

Eclipse IDE Integration with Apache Maven

HP Quality Center

VRS data caching


Authentication and ALF Events

Request Planning

You can now manage your team's requests, using Agile views, in Dimensions CM Pulse. Request planning enables you to:

Request planning can include:

For more information see the Pulse Help.

Integration with Serena Deployment Automation

You can optionally install Serena Deployment Automation (SDA) and use it, instead of Dimensions Deployment, to promote or demote baselines. The benefits of using SDA include:

For details, see the Deployment Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

The following commands have been updated to support SDA:

For details, see the Command-Line Reference in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Dimensions CM web services have also been updated to support SDA. For details, see the Developer's Reference in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Integration with Docker

The integration with Docker provides a Docker Private Registry and enables you to:

For details about using the Docker integration see the Docker Registry Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

The integration with Docker is installed and licensed separately from Dimensions CM. For details contact Serena Software.

Dimensions CM Pulse

In addition to request planning many enhancements have been made to Dimensions CM Pulse, including:

Delegate Personal Stream

You can delegate a personal stream to another user and change ownership of the stream. For example, you are switching to a different task and want to delegate the changes in a personal stream to another user. See the User's Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.


New Commands

The following new command have been added to dmcli, the Dimensions CM command-line interface:

For details see the Command-Line Reference in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

LDAP Synchronization

When you authenticate against an LDAP server you can now optionally synchronize Dimensions CM groups and LDAP groups. Synchronizing groups has these advantages:

For details see Appendix A of the System Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Eclipse IDE Integration with Apache Maven

The CM Eclipse IDE now supports M2Eclipse providing a tight integration for Apache Maven.

HP Quality Center

HP ALM Quality Center versions 11 and 12 are now supported.

VRS Data Caching

The Versioned Repository Schema (VRS) data cache is a major new performance optimization feature, first introduced in Dimensions CM The Dimensions CM server pre-caches VRS data into a directory on disk. Pre-caching is automatic when a project, stream, or baseline is accessed for the first time. The main benefits of data caching are improved performance when:

The Dimensions CM administrator can manually pre-cache specific projects, streams, and baselines. For more information, and details of where data cache files are stored, see KB article S141604.


Replicator is now supported, for details, see the System Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Authentication and ALF Events

If you are not using SSO, ALF event authentication user credentials are contained in this XML node:


For details, see Application Lifecycle Framework Events of the Developer's Reference in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

New Features in Serena Dimensions CM

Release date: 4th March 2016


VRS data caching

Personal streams


Cherrypicking requests

Dimensions CM Pulse enhancements

Stream and project selection enhancements

Security enhancements

Desktop client user interface improvements

New dmcli commands

Updates to dmcli commands

Serena Deployment Automation

Dimensions CM Bridge enhancements

SVN migration with changesets

Agent auto update

IDE performance enhancements

RESTful API web services

Viewing execution logs


Replicator is now supported, for details see the System Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

VRS Data Caching

This release introduces a major new performance optimization feature, the Versioned Repository Schema (VRS) data cache. The Dimensions CM server pre-caches VRS data into a directory on disk. Pre-caching is automatic when a project, stream, or baseline is accessed for the first time. The main benefits of data caching are improved performance when:

The Dimensions CM administrator can manually pre-cache specific projects, streams, and baselines. For more information, and details of where data cache files are stored, see KB article S141604.

Personal Streams

Personal streams are private development branches in a repository that are only visible to the originator. Personal streams enable you to:

For more details, see the User's Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.


Shelving enables you to store local changes in a personal stream and optionally remove the changes from a work area.

Shelve changes and reset a work area

You can remove changes from a work area that you do not want to deliver to the associated stream. For example, the changes are not complete but you need to interrupt your current work, set aside the changes, and switch to a different task using the same work area. After the shelving operation is complete you reset the work area so that it is identical to the latest repository content.

Backup changes

When you are sharing a stream with other developers but are not ready to deliver your local changes, you can backup your work by committing it to a personal stream. This creates a snapshot of the work area at that point in time. When creating backups you keep the local changes and do not reset the work area. When you are ready to resume work on the shelved changes you can restore them by merging the personal stream back into the work area.

For more details, see the User's Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Cherrypicking Requests

When you merge changes between streams you can select changes that are related to specific requests. This is commonly known as cherrypicking or backporting. For example, you have delivered multiple sets of changes to a stream but only want to merge one specific set of changes into a different stream.

For more details, see the User's Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Dimensions CM Pulse Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to Dimensions CM Pulse:

Suites and Products

Administrators can organize development work into a hierarchy of suites and products.


There is a sidebar on the left that includes the following links:

The links displayed below the divider change based on your current location in the Pulse hierarchy.


When you select a suite, product, or stream its latest activity is displayed in the main window, including information about:


Experts are tools that perform actions on streams, such as examining health and quality, and report back measurements and findings. Experts are triggered when a delivery is made to a stream and a changeset is created. You can inspect an expert's results in an activity feed or on a review page. You can configure experts to run in a sequence, called an expert chain, and create multiple independent expert chains to run on a stream. For example, the first chain runs on every delivery and performs brief static analysis. A second chain is scheduled to run at midnight every day and performs more thorough analysis and deployment.

The following experts are included with Pulse:


Report views display measurements generated by review and expert activity in your stream as charts or tables. Reports are scoped to the suite, product, or stream from where you run them.


You can select the review notifications to which you are subscribed. Notifications are sent when an event takes place on a review, for example:

The list of review notifications is managed by your Pulse administrator.

Watch a Review

You can optionally watch a review. When changes are made to the review you are notified by email.


To refine a search you can now select multiple filters.

Review Page

Review pages include the following improvements:

Stream and Project Selection Enhancements

In the desktop client, and the Visual Studio and Windows Explorer integrations, it is now easier to find and select streams and projects. You can:

You can add streams and projects to, and remove them from, your Favorites list. Recently used streams and projects are automatically added to your Recents list.

Security Enhancements

The following security enhancements have been introduced:

Desktop Client User Interface Improvements

The desktop client user interface has had a major refresh including:

New dmcli Commands

The following commands have been added to dmcli, the Dimensions CM command-line interface:

For details see the Command-Line Reference in the Dimensions CM Documetation.

Updates to dmcli Commands

The following dmcli commands have been updated:

For details, see the Command-Line Reference in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Serena Deployment Automation

You can optionally install Serena Deployment Automation (SDA) with Dimensions CM. SDA automates software deployment, which is the process of moving software through various pre-production stages to final production. Typically, each stage represents a step of higher criticality, such as quality assurance to production. SDA helps you meet the deployment challenge by providing tools that improve deployment speeds while simultaneously improving their reliability. For more details see the Serena documentation center.

Dimensions CM Bridge Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to Dimensions CM Bridge:

For detailsm see the Dimensions CM Bridge Getting Started Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

SVN Migration with Changesets

By default Dimensions CM changesets are created from Subversion revisions. The changesets are for historical use only and cannot be used with stream versions. For example, you cannot fetch a stream version that is older than the date of a migration. Files deleted from Subversion are included in changeset history but are not migrated as Dimensions CM items. For details, see the Migrating to Dimensions CM Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Agent Auto Update

Auto update is the process of managing the automatic update of Dimensions CM agents. Auto update has the following benefits for administrators:

For details, see Configuring and Using Auto Update of the System Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

IDE Performance Enhancements

The Visual Studio integration now gets items statuses and loads data into views more quickly.

RESTful API Web Services

Dimensions CM now supports RESTful API web services. For details, see the Developer's Reference in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

Viewing Execution Logs

To aid the traceability of deployment areas you can view the results of REXEC, deployment, and build script executions by examining the log files that are preserved in CM. For details see Executing Operations on Remote Nodes of the System Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM Documentation.

New Features in Serena Dimensions CM

Release date: 7th April 2015

CM Bridge

IPv6 and Serena License Manager 2.2.0

Serena Pulse


Versioned Repository Schema

Creating a New Stream or Project Based on a Previous Version

Lock-Free Delivery

Enhanced Merging across Streams

Annotations View

Personal Library Cache and Delta Transfers

Auto Update

New File Merge Tool

Enhanced Upload Rules

Tomcat and Java Runtime Environment

New dmcli Commands

Changes to dmcli Commands

Installing the Eclipse Integration from a Server

Dimensions CM Java API

CM Bridge

Dimensions CM Bridge is a connector between a Subversion enabled client and a CM server that enables:

For more details see the Dimensions CM Bridge Getting Started Guide.

IPv6 and Serena License Manager 2.2.0

Dimensions CM adds support for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and Serena License Manager (SLM) 2.2.0.

SLM 2.2.0 adds support for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). For more details see the SLM readme.


Serena Pulse

Serena Pulse is a new tool for developers that provides you with an intuitive visualization of changes in your streams and projects.


Reviews enables your development team to collaborate using a configurable workflow. Delivery filters control which changesets automatically create reviews. You can use reviews to:

The review list displays all the reviews that match the selected filter.

Review Page

A review page displays information about a specific change, including:

You can also:

Viewing Changesets

There are multiple ways that you can view the information in changesets:

The Changeset Graph

The changeset graph visualizes streams and their change history across multiple releases. This provides development teams and release managers with a visual understanding of what changes are being worked on, where, and why. Tight coupling between changesets and continuous integration tools, such as Jenkins, provides feedback on the health of changes and real time indication of release readiness based on build and test status.

You can use a changeset graph to:


A changeset is a logical grouping of changes that is created automatically every time that you deliver changes to a stream or project in a repository. Each changeset creates a new version of a stream or project. Changesets give insight into the development activity in your streams and enable you to easily identify changes. They also reduce the complexity of parallel development by making it easier to manage sets of changes. Changesets enables you to view all of the changes that have been made to a stream or project since it was created.

The Changesets dialog box (or view) is available in all clients and integrations. Depending on the client or integration you can:

Versioned Repository Schema

To enables new features, such as changesets and enhanced merging, Dimensions CM 14.1 uses a Versioned Repository Schema (VRS). After upgrading to Dimensions CM 14.1 from an earlier version you must upgrade the data in your RDBMS to use VRS. The upgrade is required to populate the VRS for the existing streams, projects, and baselines.

To populate the VRS for a stream or project the upgrade replays the history of changes to that stream starting from its creation, against the VRS, one changeset at a time. This re-creates the version history of a stream in the new schema.

For details about upgrading your data see the installation guide for your platform.

Creating a New Stream or Project Based on a Previous Version

When creating a new stream or project you can base it on a previous version of an existing stream (or project). The new stream inherits all the item revisions from the parent stream (or project), not just the tip revisions. This new functionality is available in the desktop client, the Windows and Visual Studio integrations, and the command-line client (dmcli).

Lock-Free Delivery

Lock-free delivery enables multiple developers to deliver different changes to the same folder concurrently.

Enhanced Merging across Streams

Prior to Dimensions CM 14.1 you could only merge streams when performing an update operation. In 14.1 the update and merge operations have been separated and there is a new Merge wizard in all the clients and integrations, and a new MERGE command. Merging streams and changes is now quicker and it is easier to accurately identify the source of changes, especially when refactoring has occurred. The Update wizard has also been redesigned and is similar to the new Merge wizard.

You can merge:

Merge is similar to Update and uses a work area to apply changes and process conflicts. This enables you to safely merge, build, and test before delivering the merge results to a target stream in a repository. When you merge two objects, for example a stream with another stream, or a stream with a baseline, Dimensions CM looks for a common ancestor. This is a point in time where the streams or work areas diverged. This is typically referred to as a three-way merge. The merging process uses changesets to find the common ancestor.

Annotations View

The Annotations view annotates the lines of code in your source files. Annotations make it easier to find when a change was introduced. You can also see who made a change and why. Each annotation displays the item revision and the name of the user who delivered the change. You can hover over an annotation to view additional information about an item revision such as:

The Annotations view is available in all the clients and integrations. You can also use the ANNOTATE command in the dmcli command-line client to list file annotations.

Personal Library Cache and Delta Transfers

Personal library cache directory (PLCD), and delta compression on file transfers, provide significant performance improvements for geographically distributed development teams. PLCD enables faster access to repository files for distributed teams by removing network transfers when the same revision has been previously fetched to a workstation. PLCD makes a local copy in a cache directory of items downloaded from, and uploaded to, Dimensions CM. This mechanism speeds up transfers when fetching the same revision more than once, for example, fetching a baseline or restoring item revisions.

Delta transfers reduce network traffic by only transferring the sections of files that have been modified between revisions. For this optimization to be applied the original revision of the file must have been fetched to, or saved from, the local workstation. The greatest reduction in transfer times is for files that have modifications in only a few sections and large continuous sections of unchanged content. Files that have widely dispersed multiple changes between revisions have a smaller improvement in transfer times.

Auto Update

Auto update is the process of managing the automatic update of Dimensions CM clients and agents. Auto update has the following benefits for administrators:

During the silent installation of clients and agents you can add values that point to a server hosting installation packages for auto update. For details see Configuring and Using Auto Update in the Dimensions CM System Administration Guide.

New File Merge Tool

The default file merge tool in Dimensions CM on Windows is Araxis Merge, a two and three-way file comparison (diff) and merging tool. You can obtain help in Araxis Merge at any time by using the commands in the Help menu or by pressing the F1 key. Some windows also contain a Help button. You can change the default file merge tool to the Serena Merge Tool or any third party application. For details see Configuring the Default Merge Tools in the Dimensions CM System Administration Guide.

Enhanced Upload Rules

Upload rules now support multiple wildcards and Ant style pattern matches in filenames and paths. Ant patterns help to simplify the organization of separate design part rules. For example, you can define design part rules by a directory pattern match while maintaining the existing item type to file extension mapping. The patterns are similar to those used in DOS and UNIX:

For more details see Upload Rules in the Dimensions CM Process Configuration Guide.

Tomcat and Java Runtime Environment

Dimensions CM 14.1 installs the version 7.0 of Tomcat and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

New dmcli Commands

The following new commands have been added to dmcli, the Dimensions CM command-line client:

For details see the Dimensions CM 14.1 Command-Line Reference.

Changes to dmcli Commands

The following commands have changed:

Installing the Eclipse Integration from a Server

You can install, and upgrade, the Eclipse integration for Dimensions CM from an update site hosted by the Dimensions CM server. This site supports both Tomcat and Websphere. You can use the same method to install Appcelerator Titanium Studio into Eclipse. For details see the installation guide for your platform.

Dimensions CM Java API

The Java API is built with Java 6. Serena recommends that programs using the Dimensions CM Java API are rebuilt using Java 6 or later.

Dimensions CM 12.x

Dimensions CM 2009.x

Dimensions CM 10.x