New Scenario Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to create a new scenario and select Vuser scripts or test modules to run in the scenario.

To access
Controller toolbar > New Scenario
Important information
Before you create a scenario, you should have a good idea as to the type of scenario you want to create. See Introducing Controller.
Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Moves the selected item in the Available Scripts/Modules box to the Scripts/Modules in Scenario box.
Removes the selected script or module from the Scripts/Modules in Scenario box.
Enables you to add items to the list of available scripts or unit tests. Scripts have a .usr extension (or .js for DevWeb scripts), while unit tests can have a .dll, .jar, or .class extension.
Opens VuGen so that you can record a Vuser script. For details, see Record a Vuser Script.

Opens the Connection to ALM dialog box, where you can connect to Application Lifecycle Management to download scripts.
Select Scenario Type
Select the type of scenario to create. For details, see Introducing Controller.
  • Manual Scenario. You manually build the scenario creating Vuser groups and specifying the script, load generators, and the number of Vusers to include in each Vuser group.

    • Use the Percentage mode... You define the total number of Vusers to be used in the scenario and assign a percentage of the total number of Vusers to each Vuser script.

    • Note: You can convert from one scenario mode to another at any time. For details, see How to Change the Scenario Mode (Manual Scenario).

  • Goal-Oriented Scenario. You define the goals you want your test to achieve, and LoadRunner Professional automatically builds a scenario for you, based on these goals.

Test Scripts/
Test Modules
The type of test to use in the scenario:
  • LoadRunner Scripts. Vuser scripts created with VuGen, or DevWeb scripts.

  • System or Unit Tests. NUnit, JUnit, or Selenium test modules created within an external application, such as Visual Studio or Eclipse. These must be files with .dll, .jar, or .class extensions.

  • JMeter Scripts. Scripts created with Apache JMeter, with .jmx extension. For details, see JMeter tests.

The Browse button allows you to locate the appropriate type of test.
Select the script(s) you would like to use in your scenario
(Optional) Select the scripts to use in the scenario.
  • Available Scripts/Modules. Lists the fifty most recently used items.

  • Scripts/Modules in Scenario. Lists the items selected for the scenario.

Click Add/Remove to move selected items between the two lists.

Note: You can change the maximum number of scripts or modules displayed in the Available Scripts/Modules box by modifying the following registry key:

  • For scripts: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\RecentScripts\max_num_of_scripts
  • For system and unit tests: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\RecentModules\max_num_of_scripts
Show at startup
When selected, the New Scenario dialog box is displayed upon opening Controller.

Note: This option can also be enabled/disabled from Controller's View menu. Select View > Show New Scenario Dialog.

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