View and customize online monitor graphs

This topic describes how to open monitor graphs and customize their display.

Before you begin, the relevant monitoring environments must be configured. For details, see How to set up a monitoring environment.

Note: In version 2020, the Online Monitor Graphs user interface changed significantly. If you prefer to use the old interface, select View > Use New Online Dashboard. Clear this menu option, and restart LoadRunner Professional. Note that the following online help topics describe the new interface, which is used by default.

In this topic:

Adding monitor graphs to the display

By default, LoadRunner Professional displays the following graphs in the graph display area:

  1. Runtime Graphs > Running Vusers

  2. Transaction Graphs > Transaction Response Time

  3. Web Resource Graphs > Throughput

  4. Resource Graphs > Hits per Second

To add additional graphs, expand the category nodes in the Graphs tree on the left of the Run tab. Select a graph's checkbox to add it to the graph display area on the right.

The graph display area can contain up to 12 graphs at the same time.

Tip: If the Graphs tree is not displayed, click the Expand arrow (>) on the left side of the graph display area. To hide the graph tree, click the Collapse arrow (<) on the right side of the graph tree.

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Viewing graph measurements

To expand a graph and show its measurements, perform one of the following:

  • Right-click a graph in the Graphs tree, and click Details.

  • From the graph display area, double-click a graph, or select a graph and click the Maximize graph button. To restore the previous view, double-click the maximized graph or click the Minimize graph button.

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Managing the Graphs tree (left pane)

Right-click a checked graph in the Graphs tree, and select one of the following menu commands:


Configure what a graph displays. For details, see Configuring graphs.


Make a copy of a graph.


Rename a graph.


After duplicating a graph, click to delete the copy.

You cannot delete an original, out-of-the-box graph.

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Managing the graph display area (right pane) 

Select a graph in the graph display area, and select one of the following menu commands:


Configure the graph settings. For details, see Configuring graphs.


Make a copy of a graph.

To rename a duplicated graph, click the duplicated graph's title and type the new name.


Enabled only for duplicated graphs. After duplicating a graph, click to delete the copy.

You cannot delete an original, out-of-the-box graph.

Pause / Continue

Select Pause to pause a graph during a scenario run. To resume, select Continue.

When resumed, the graph displays the data for the paused period as well.

Merge Graphs

Combine the results of two graphs from the same scenario into a single graph. The merging enables you to compare several different measurements at once.

Select Merge Graphs, and then drag the current graph on top of another graph. A new graph is created, containing the measurements of both of the original graphs.

Export to HTML

Create an HTML version of the selected graph for offline viewing at a later stage.

Note that LoadRunner Professional generates a snapshot image of the selected graph. For optimal results, enlarge or maximize a graph, and then export it to HTML.

To export all the graphs in the display area, click the Export Graphs to HTML button in the upper right corner. (This is enabled when you are showing multiple graphs, and not one graph expanded.)

Add Measurements

When there are measurements available to add to a graph, this enables you to select measurements to display.

Note that you can also click on the Add Measurements button inside the graph itself.

Tip: To reorganize the graph display area, drag and drop graphs to the required location.

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Configuring graphs

You can customize the type of graph display, and what to display on the x-axis and y-axis.

  • To configure a selected graph, click Settings in the graph's upper right menu.

  • To configure all graphs, click the Graphs Settings button in the upper right corner of the graph display area.

In the right pane of the graph display area, define the following:

Bar Values Type
If the Bar display type is selected, determines the type of value that will be displayed in the bar graph: Average, Last Value, Minimum, Maximum.
Displays the graph's default description.
Display Type
The type of graph displayed: line graph or bar graph.
By default, each graph is displayed as a line graph.

Note: On legacy online only: For the Network Delay graph, if you right-click the graph and select View Segments, you can view the network segments of the graph as an area graph or a pie graph.

Graph Time
Indicates the scale for a graph's x-axis when it is time-based. A graph can show 60 to 3600 seconds of activity. To see the graph in greater detail, decrease the graph time. To view the performance over a longer period of time, increase the graph time. The available graph times are Whole Load Test, Last 60 seconds, Last 180 Seconds, Last 600 Seconds, and Last 3600 seconds.
Network Delay View
On legacy online only, in the Network Delay Time graph:
  • SubPaths. Displays the delay measurements from the source machine to each of the nodes along the network path.

  • DNS name. Displays the DNS names of the measurements displayed in the legend.

Refresh Rate
The interval at which the graph is refreshed with new data. By default, the graph is refreshed every five seconds. If you increase the refresh rate, the data is refreshed less frequently.

Note: In a large load test, it is recommended to use a refresh rate of three to five seconds. This enables you to avoid problems with CPU resource usage.

Specifies how the graph displays the time (in seconds) on the x-axis:
  • Don't Show. Instructs LoadRunner Professional not to display values for the x-axis.

  • Clock Time. Displays the absolute time, based on the system clock.

  • Relative to Scenario Start. Displays the time relative to the beginning of the scenario.

Note: If no step is running, the clock time is displayed.

Y-Axis Scale
Displays graphs using the selected y-axis scale:
  • Automatic. Displays the default y-axis values.

  • Maximum Y-Axis Value. The maximum value for the y-axis.

  • Minimum Y-Axis Value. The minimum value for the y-axis.

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Configuring measurement settings

You can customize the appearance and scale of measurements in a graph, and select whether they should be displayed in the graph or hidden from the graph.

In the Run tab, right-click a measurement in the graph or legend, and select Settings. You can modify the following:

  • Color. The color assigned to the selected measurement.

  • Scale. The relationship between the y-axis and the graph's actual value. (Default: Automatic). For example, a scale of 1 indicates that the measurement's value is the value of the y-axis. If you select a scale of 10, you must multiply the y-axis value by 10 to obtain the true value of the measurement.

  • Automatic. Automatically scales the measurement by calculating the best ratio for displaying the graph. For some graphs, this option is not available.

  • Visibility: Show / Hide. The resource selected in the legend is shown/hidden in the graph. By default, all resource measurements are shown in the graph. To show only a selected measurement, right-click the measurement, and select Show Only Selected.

  • Keep the legend sorted. If you select this option, the order of measurements changes in real time based on the selected column. For example, if you click the Max column to sort by the maximum value, the measurements will always be listed from the highest to the lowest, based on their Max column value.

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