Messages 26401 Through 26560
Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.
Message Code 26471
A file form field (name='file input element' value='file value') defined when EncType is not "multipart/form-data". The file name, rather than its contents, will be sent
The form contains an input element of type file. For a file upload to take place, the EncType attribute of the form element must be multipart/form-data.
Message Code 26476
Cannot obtain script file/line for generating automatic transaction names. File name 'filename'.
Failed to create an automatic transaction. The automatic transaction name is usually composed of the step name, file name, and line number.
- Replay will create an automatic transaction name in a different format.
Message Code 26484
Not enough memory ('allocation request size'_ld bytes) for 'operation'
There was not enough memory for performing an operation.
- Close other applications on the machine.
- Run less virtual users on the machine.
Message Code 26491
\' not followed by x, X or '\
Invalid escape sequence `\' is not followed by any of x, X, \, r, n, t. The combination of `\' followed by one of the digits mentioned above represents control characters or a prefix of binary data.
Message Code 26492
"\\x" not followed by 2 valid hex digits
A text buffer contains \\x or \\X that is not followed by two valid hexadecimal digits.\\x (or \\X) is a prefix for embedding binary data in text.
Message Code 26495
Unexpected HTTP version Run-Time Setting (HttpVer). Assuming HTTP/1.1
The Runtime-Setting parameter "HTTP version" has an unexpected value. The expected values are 1.0 and 1.1.
- In Runtime Settings > Preferences > Options, change the value of parameter "HTTP version" to 1.1 or 1.0.
Message Code 26544
Proxy authentication required, please fill in the proxy user details in the Run Time Settings, Proxy tab, using the Authentication button. e.g. Username:'%1'user Password: password
The proxy indicated that authentication is required. "%1" is "domain_name\\" for NTLM or an empty string.
- Specify a valid username and password in the Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol:Proxy > Authentication node. For NTLM, specify a domain and single backslash immediately preceding the username.
- Add a web_set_user call before the function that failed, specifying a valid username and password (or change the previous web_set_user for the proxy's host/port). For NTLM, specify a domain and two backslashes immediately preceding the username.
Message Code 26547
Authentication required, please use web_set_user, e.g. web_set_user("User", "password", "host:port");
Authorization is required for the specified URL.
- Use the web_set_user function to set authorization. For more information, refer to User Authentication in the Function Reference.
Message Code 26548
HTML parsing not performed for Content-Type 'content-type' ("ParseHtmlContentType" Run-Time Setting is 'setting'). URL='URL'
"ParseHtmlContentType" defines for which response Content-Types HTML parsing should be performed. This error occurs when an HTML page is expected, but a non-HTML page (e.g., an image ) is sent. For "Content-Type: text/html" and for omitted/empty Content-Type, HTML parsing is always performed. For "Content-Type: text/xml", HTML parsing is never performed
Check the content-type of the URL to determine if parsing is required:
- "ParseHtmlContentType=HTML" indicates that HTML parsing should be performed only when Content-Type is "text/html", omitted or empty.
- "ParseHtmlContentType=TEXT" indicates that HTML parsing should be performed for all Content-Types starting with "text/", except "text/xml" and omitted/empty Content-Types.
- "ParseHtmlContentType=ANY" indicates that HTML parsing should be performed for all Content-Types, except "text/xml".
Parse the URL as follows:
- Change the content-type header by adjusting the server settings, or
- Update the default.cfg file in the [web] section to "Add ParseHtmlContentType=ANY".
Message Code 26551
Failed to decode UTF8 content for URL 'URL' : 'error description'
This is a warning message only. The locale (set of characters) of your machine might not be compatible with the application in use.
- Try to set a different locale or change to a machine with a compatible locale.
Message Code 26552
A filter with ID='filter ID' already exists. Use a different ID if you do not want the existing filter to be overwritten.
This is a warning message only. A web_add_auto_filter function exists with the same ID and will be replaced by the new filter.
- Use a different ID for the new filter if you don't want to overwrite the existing filter.
Message Code 26553
An ID is specified for a non-auto filter
web_remove_auto_filter was applied to a non-existing Id.
- Check that the Id in the web_remove_auto_filter matches the Id in the web_add_auto_filter that you want to cancel.
- Check that web_remove_auto_filter was not applied more than once.
Message Code 26554
URL 'URL' not downloaded due to a filter
This is a warning message only. Unable to download the URL due to a previous web_add_filter or web_add_auto_filter function.
- If you want to download the URL, cancel the filter rule that applies to the URL before the step is commited. If the rule is web_add_auto_filter, use web_remove_auto_filter before the step and web_add_filter after it. If the opposite rule is web_add_filter, you should remove it.
Message Code 26555
An "exclude" filter is not allowed when an "include" filter is active
You cannot use an "include" and an "exclude" filter for the same URL.
- Decide whether the URL should be included or excluded and cancel the opposite filter. Check for the relevant web_add_auto_filter, web_remove_auto_filter, or web_add_filter function.
Message Code 26556
An "include" filter is not allowed when an "exclude" filter is active
You cannot use an "include" and an "exclude" filter for the same URL.
- Decide whether the URL should be included or excluded and cancel the opposite filter. Check for the relevant web_add_auto_filter, web_remove_auto_filter, or web_add_filter function.