Messages 26601 Through 26620
Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.
Message Code 26601
Decompression function (wgzMemDecompressBuffer) failed. Return code='return code' ('string'), inSize='input buffer', inUse='input bytes processed', outUse='output buffer'
Failed to decompress a buffer. A negative return codes denotes a system failure in the decompression module. A value of –4 indicates there is insufficient memory. The string explains the issue encountered by the function. The size of the input buffer in bytes ("inSize"), the number of input bytes processed ("inUse"), and the number of bytes written to the output buffer ("outUse") are all specified.
- Try to resolve the issue described by the string.
- If the return code is –4, check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes.
Message Code 26602
Decompression initialization function (wgzMemDecompressOpen) failed. Return code='return code' ('string'), returned handle='decompression handle'
Initializing the decompression module failed. A –4 return code indicates insufficient memory. A –7 return code means the decompression function is unsupported (i.e., it is not gzip, deflate, compress or identity). Other negative values indicate a system failure. The string explains the problem encountered by the function.
- Try to address the problem described by the string.
- If the return code is –4, check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes.
- If the return code is –7:
- If the Vuser script contains a web_add_header or web_add_auto_header function specifying "Accept-Encoding" and an unsupported value, try to comment them out.
- When adding a web_add_header or web_add_auto_header function specifying "Accept-Encoding", use a supported value (e.g., "gzip")
Message Code 26603
Not enough memory ('required bytes' bytes) for decompression buffer
Insufficient memory for a decompression buffer.
- Check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes.
Message Code 26604
Unsupported "Content-Encoding"
Warning message. Content coding values indicate an encoding transformation that has been or can be applied to an entity. The supported values are "gzip", "deflate" or "identity". "Compress" is not supported. This is an issue only if the response seems encrypted and you expect to see or find specific values.
- If the Vuser script contains a web_add_header or web_add_auto_header function specifying "Accept-Encoding" and an unsupported value, try to comment them out.
- When adding a web_add_header or web_add_auto_header function specifying "Accept-Encoding", use a supported value (e.g., "gzip")
Message Code 26606
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server has returned an error code that the Replay does not support.
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
Message Code 26607
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The replay is using an HTTP version that the server does not support. The server responded with the error "HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
- Try changing the HTTP version to "1.0" in Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol > Preferences > HTTP Version.
Message Code 26608
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server, acting as a gateway/proxy, did not receive a timely response from an upstream server. The server returned the error: "GATEWAY TIMEOUT".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
- Rerun the failing scenario, and, concurrently, try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on another machine. If the response time is excessive, the server or the server application probably cannot sustain such loads. You should analyze the server for bottlenecks, and try to optimize server performance.
- Run the scenario on Controller, and use the Analysis results to locate bottlenecks on the server, DNS, and/or network and try to optimize server performance.
- If you are using a proxy server, try running the scenario without it.
Message Code 26609
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server is currently unable to handle the request. The server returned the error: "SERVICE UNAVAILABLE".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
Message Code 26610
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server, acting as a gateway/proxy, informs that the upstream server has returned an invalid response. The gateway returned the error: "BAD GATEWAY".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
- If you are using a proxy server, try running the scenario without it.
Message Code 26611
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The replay sent an unsupported request to the server. The server responded with the error "NOT IMPLEMENTED".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
- Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script.
- Check for values in the script that might need correlation.
Message Code 26612
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The replay sent an unsupported request to the server. The server responded with the error "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
- Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script.
- Check for values in the script that might need correlation.
Message Code 26613
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server has returned an error code that the Replay does not support.
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
Message Code 26614
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The replay sent a request header with "Expect" that the server does not support. The server responded with the error "EXPECTATION FAILED". The script probably specified web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header with "Expect".
- Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script specifying "Expect".
Message Code 26615
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The replay sent a request header with "Range" that the server does not support. The server responded with the error "Requested Range Not Satisfiable". The script probably specifies web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header with "Range".
- Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script specifying "Range".
Message Code 26616
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The replay sent a request header with "Content-Encoding" that the server does not support. The server responded with the error "Unsupported Media Type". The script probably specifies web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header with "Content-Encoding".
- Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script specifying "Content-Encoding".
Message Code 26617
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server is refusing to service the request sent by the replay because the request URL is longer than the server is willing to interpret. The server responded with the error "Request-URI Too Long".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
- Try to replace the request to web_custom_request with POST method.
Message Code 26618
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The server refused to service the request sent by the replay because the Request URI is larger than the server is willing to interpret. The server responded with the error "Request Entity Too Large".
- Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
Message Code 26619
HTTP Status-Code='HTTP error code'_ld ('server returned status code phrase') for 'URL address'
The Replay has sent a request header with "If-*" that the server does not support. The server responded with the error "Precondition Failed". The script probably specifies web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header with "If-*".
- Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script specifying "If-*".