Messages 27161 Through 27200
Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.
Message Code 27161
Illegal search argument to 'argument name'.
An invalid argument has been passed to an internal function by the name specified.
- Try to use another search function (e.g., switch between web_reg_save_param, web_create_html_param, web_create_html_param_ex).
- Try to use other arguments for the same function.
- If that fails, contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the internal error message returned.
Message Code 27172
"Method=GET" specified with "EncType=multipart/form-data". "Method=POST" will be used instead
This is a warning message only. The "Method" argument specifies "GET", but the "EncType" argument specifies "multipart/form-data", which is applicable only to POST. The specified "GET" is ignored, and "POST" is used instead.
- Check the corresponding request in the recording log, and change the Method to "POST", or change/omit the "EncType" specification accordingly.
Message Code 27173
Method ('method name') is neither GET nor POST. The specified value will be used as is
This is a warning message only. The "Method" argument specifies a request which is neither GET nor POST. This may still be a valid request, either defined in the HTTP protocol or specific to the server application. However, it may be a typing error. Note that when the server receives an invalid method, it may return an HTTP Status Code indicating an error, such as 400 (Bad Request) or 405 (Method Not Allowed). This may cause a later error, or, for resources, a warning message.
Note: The specified method will be used as it is, without converting it to upper case (as is automatically done for "get" and "post").
- If the request is successful, you can ignore this message.
- Otherwise, check that the intended Method has been specified.
Message Code 27184
When "RelFrameID=ALL" is specified, "Ord" (argument number 'argument number') must be omitted or "ALL"
Searching for a specific occurrence in each HTML page is not supported. Specifying "RelFrameID=ALL" in web_reg_save_param requests that all the HTML pages downloaded by the following "action" function be searched. The "Ord" (or "Ordinal") argument can specify the occurrence number in a GIVEN "RelFrameID" only.
- To search all HTML pages for all occurrences, (which is the default for "RelFrameID=ALL"), omit the "Ord" argument, or explicitly specify "Ord=ALL".
- To search for a specific occurrence within a given HTML page, specify its relative frame ID (e.g., "RelFrameID=1.1") along with the occurrence number ("e.g., "Ord=3").
- To search for a specific occurrence within any URL, whether HTML or not, omit the "RelFrameID" argument, and specify only the occurrence number.
Message Code 27186
'match count' match(es) found for web_reg_find string 'string' and "Fail" was set to "Found"
A preceding web_reg_find specified that if the string is found, execution should fail ("Fail=Found"). The string was found, and the number of occurrences is specified. There are at least two possibilities for this error:
- A wrong page has indeed been received.
- The matching criteria (e.g., arguments of web_reg_find) were not accurate enough.
- If a wrong page was received, try to resolve why (e.g., check if a previous request navigated to a wrong page, the page was changed, etc.).
- If the matching criteria were not accurate enough, adjust the arguments of web_reg_find (e.g., specify a more unique text).
Message Code 27190
No match found for the requested parameter 'parameter'. Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 'number' bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size
Unable to find a match for the requested parameter. Possible reasons:
- Incorrect left/right boundaries.
- The data to be saved to the parameter exceeds the maximum size specified.
- Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data.
- If the data you want to save exceeds the amount of bytes denoted in the error message, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size.
Message Code 27191
'step' failed ('number' occurrence(s) found. Alt='Alt image', Src='Src image')
The step name specified failed.
- If a wrong page was received, try to resolve why. For example, check if a previous request navigated to a wrong page or the page was changed.
- The matching criteria were not accurate enough. Modify the arguments of web_image_check to specify a more unique text.
- Use the web_reg_find function for verification.
Message Code 27192
'step' succeeded ('number' occurrence(s) found. Alt='Alt image', Src='Src image')
This is an informational message only.
- Verify that the results are as expected.
Message Code 27193
Both "Alt" and "Src" are missing or are empty
The "Alt" and "Src" arguments must be denoted by non-NULL strings.
- Specify the "Alt" and "Src" arguments "as non-NULL strings.
Message Code 27194
Allocating a new LrwUtilSearchElem failed, probably not enough memory
- Check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes running on the machine.
- Restart the computer and replay the script again.
- If the problem persists, reduce the number of virtual users that you are running on the same machine.
Message Code 27195
'step' failed. 'number' occurrence(s) of 'string' found (RightOf='boundary1', LeftOf='boundary2')
The step failed because more than one occurrence of the string was found.
- If a wrong page was received, try to resolve why. For example, check if a previous request navigated to a wrong page or the page was changed.
- The matching criteria were not accurate enough. Modify the arguments of web_find to specify a more unique text.
- Use the web_reg_find function for verification.
Message Code 27196
'step' successful. 'number' occurrence(s) of 'string' found (RightOf='boundary1', LeftOf='boundary2')
This is an Informational message only.
- Verify that the results are as expected.
Message Code 27197
Verification checks not enabled. 'verification function' is skipped. See the 'Runtime settings/Preferences/Checks'
The verification function was not performed because the verification checks in the Runtime settings were not enabled.
- To enable the verification checks, select Run-Time Settings > Preferences, and select Enable Image and text check.
Message Code 27198
Unsupported keyword 'argument' for argument number 'argument ld'
The argument is not recognized as a valid argument. The argument Id specifies the argument position in the argument list.
- Check that the argument is spelled correctly.
- Check that the argument is within the correct group in the argument list.
Message Code 27200
Mode='mode argument' (argument number 'argument ld') is invalid within a concurrent group
The "Mode" argument specified is not allowed within a concurrent group. The argument id denotes the position of the "Mode" argument in the argument list.
- Change the "Mode" to "HTTP".
- Move the function including the offending "Mode" arguments outside the concurrent group.