Messages 27401 Through 27600

Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.

Message Code 27479

Failed to modify "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and/or "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" (under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings")

When using the WinIet replay for load testing, registry settings must be adapted for multiple concurrent connections. The function that can modify the settings for the current run (not permanently) failed.


  • Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings in the Registry Editor, and change the Value data for "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" to "30000".

Message Code 27484

Moreover, the "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" WinInet registry settings are inadequate for load testing with the WinInet replay

When using the WinInet replay for load testing, registry settings must be adapted for multiple concurrent connections. The function that can modify the settings for the current run (not permanently) failed.


  • Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings in the Registry Editor, and change the Value data for "MaxConnectionsPerServer" and "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" to "30000".

    Note that doing this causes Internet Explorer to run faster than when its defaults are used (as it can open more concurrent connections). If you want to compare the browser with the WinInet replay, delete the above registry keys (using regedit/regedt32).

Message Code 27488

web_set_sockets_option has no effect on WinInet replay

The web_set_sockets_option script function is intended for use by the Sockets replay only, and has no effect when using the WinInet replay.


  • You can ignore this message if the usage of the web_set_sockets_option is not significant for you (e.g., TRACE_SSL_IO).
  • Switch to the Sockets replay: In VuGen or Controller, select Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol: Preferences, and clear the WinInet replay instead of Sockets (Windows only) check box.

Message Code 27489

InternetReadFile failed. Windows error code='error code'. 'URL'

The WinInet function used for reading the response from the server failed.


  • To identify the problem, refer to the Windows Error Code tables for WinINet, Win32, and WinSocket, and search for the value specified in the error code.

Message Code 27490

Certificate index missing or invalid

An authentication certificate is required by the server application, but a valid certificate was not specified. Possible reasons include: (i) A web_set_certificate, or web_set_certificate_ex with CertIndex argument was not specified. (ii) The index specifies the wrong certificate for the application. This can occur when running the Vuser script on a machine other than the one on which it was recorded, and the other machine has different certificates, or the same certificates in a different order.


  • If there is no preceding web_set_certificate, or web_set_certificate_ex with CertIndex argument, add such a statement to the script. For more information, refer to the Function Reference.
  • Check that the certificate at the specified index on the current machine is the same certificate as on the machine where the script runs successfully. If it is not, change the order of the certificates using import/export.

Message Code 27492

''HttpSendRequest" failed, Windows error code=12002 and retry limit ('retry limit') exceeded for URL='URL'

The HttpSendRequest timeout occurs when a transaction takes more than 30 seconds to connect to the server (this is the default setting for the WinInet Replay engine).


  • Change the default timeout setting for the WinInet replay engine. In the Registry Editor, open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings, and change the default time (30 seconds) to 180 seconds:



Message Code 27493

Client authentication certificate needed but is not available. Use web_set_certificate[_ex] to specify a certificate. 'error details'

An authentication certificate is required by the server application, but a valid certificate was not specified. The error details provide information such as the host (server) name and port number, or the URL. Possible reasons include: (i) A web_set_certificate, or web_set_certificate_ex with CertIndex argument was not specified. (ii) The index specifies the wrong certificate for the application. This can occur when running the Vuser script on a machine other than the one on which it was recorded, and the other machine has different certificates, or the same certificates in a different order.


  • If there is no preceding web_set_certificate, or web_set_certificate_ex with CertIndex argument, add such a statement to the script (see the Function Reference).
  • Check that the certificate at the specified index on the current machine is the same certificate as on the machine where the script runs successfully. If it is not, change the order of the certificates using import/export.

Message Code 27494

'WinInet function' failed (Windows error code='error code 1') following an HttpSendRequest failure (Windows error code='error code 2') for 'error details'

The specified WinInet function and a retry attempt failed. The error details provide information such as the host (server) name and port number, or the URL.


  • To identify the problem, refer to the Windows Error Code tables for WinInet, Win32, or WinSocket, and search for the value specified in the error code.

Message Code 27495

InternetConnect failed. Windows error code 'error code'. 'error details'

The WinInet function used for establishing a connection to the server failed. The error details provide information such as the host (server) name and port number.


  • To identify the problem, refer to the Windows Error Code tables for WinInet, Win32, or WinSocket, and search for the value specified in the error code.

Message Code 27496

Internal Error (call customer services): 'internal error code'


  • Contact customer support and provide them with an explanation of the problem, and the error message returned.

Message Code 27497

Timed out while closing handle on behalf of 'URL'

Processing the URL exceeded the maximum time defined for it in the runtime settings ("HTTP-request connect timeout" or "HTTP-request receive timeout"). Possible reasons include: (i) The server or server application is too busy to respond within a reasonable time. (ii) There is a network or DNS problem. (iii) Problem with the client machine's operating system.

Note: The WinInet Replay does not support "Step download timeout".


  • Check that your network connection is still active (ping the server).
  • Check that the URL or the application being tested is accessible from a browser on the same machine.
  • Rerun the scenario, and concurrently try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on another machine. If the response time is excessive, the server or the server application probably cannot sustain such loads. Analyze the server or the server application for bottlenecks and optimize to improve performance.
  • Run the scenario on Controller, and use the Analysis results to locate whether the bottlenecks are on the server, DNS, or the network. Optimize the system to improve performance.
  • Increase the runtime timeout settings: In VuGen or Controller, select Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol: Preferences, click the Options button, and increase the "HTTP-request connect timeout" or "HTTP-request receive" timeout values.

Message Code 27498

Timed out while processing 'URL'

Processing the URL exceeded the maximum time defined for it in the runtime settings ("HTTP-request connect timeout" or "HTTP-request receive timeout"). Possible reasons include: (i) The server or server application is too busy to respond within a reasonable time. (ii) There is a network or DNS problem. (iii) Problem with the client machine's operating system.

Note: The WinInet Replay does not support "Step download timeout".


  • Check the network connection. Ping the server.
  • Check that the URL or the application being tested is accessible from a browser on the same machine.
  • Rerun the scenario, and concurrently try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on another machine. If the response time is excessive, the server or the server application probably cannot sustain such loads. Analyze the server or the server application for bottlenecks and optimize to improve performance.
  • Run the scenario on Controller, and use the results of the Analysis to locate where the bottlenecks are, in the server, DNS and/or network. Optimize the system to improve performance.
  • Increase the runtime timeout settings: In VuGen or Controller, select Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol: Preferences, click the Options button, and increase the "HTTP-request connect timeout" or "HTTP-request receive" timeout values.

Message Code 27499

Scheme in URL='URL' is not supported by the WinInet replay mechanism. Only "http:" and "https:" are supported

The WinInet Replay does not support the specified scheme (portion of a URL before "://"). For example, URLs starting with "ftp://".


  • Use the Sockets Replay: In VuGen or Controller, select Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol: Preferences, and clear the WinInet replay instead of Sockets (Windows only) check box.
  • If the URL is explicitly specified in the script (e.g., in web_url), comment out or remove the function referring to it.