Configure Analysis Define service level agreements Set up graphs View Analysis graphs View Analysis reports

Introducing Analysis

Welcome to Analysis, the LoadRunner Professional tool for gathering and presenting load test data. When you execute a load test scenario, Vusers generate result data as they perform their transactions.

Analysis provides graphs and reports enabling you to view and understand the data, and analyze system performance after a test run.

In this topic:

Start Analysis

You can open Analysis as an independent application or directly from Controller. To open Analysis as an independent application, choose one of the following:

  • From Windows Start menu > Micro Focus > Analysis
  • The Analysis shortcut on the desktop

To open Analysis directly from Controller, click the Analysis button on the toolbar or select Results > Analyze Result. This option is only available after running a load test scenario. Analysis takes the latest result file from the current scenario, and opens a new session using these results. You can also instruct Controller to automatically open Analysis after it completes scenario execution by selecting Results > Auto Load Analysis.

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Create Analysis sessions and collating results

When you run a load test scenario, LoadRunner Professional stores the runtime data in a result file with an .lrr extension. Analysis processes this data and generates graphs and reports.

By default, all Vuser information is stored locally on each Vuser host. After scenario execution, the results from all of the hosts are automatically collated or consolidated in the results folder.

You disable automatic collation by choosing Results > Auto Collate Results in Controller, and clearing the check mark adjacent to the option. To manually collate results, choose Results > Collate Results. If your results have not been collated, Analysis will automatically collate the results before generating the analysis data.

When you work with Analysis, you work within an Analysis session. This session contains one or more sets of scenario results (.lrr file). Analysis stores the display information and layout settings for the active graphs in a file with an .lra extension.

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Analysis database

Analysis supports 3 database types:

  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQLite

For supported database versions, see the Support Matrix.

If your Analysis result data exceeds two gigabytes, it is recommended that you store it on an SQL server.

For details on specifying the Analysis database, see Database tab (Options dialog box).

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Analysis workflow

The workflow below displays the key configuration and analysis tasks.

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See also: