Multiple Runtime Settings Mode dialog box

This dialog box enables you to select the mode for modifying runtime settings of multiple selected scripts.

To access
Use one of the following:
  • In the Scenario Groups/Scripts pane, right-click a multiple selection of scripts, and select Runtime Settings

  • Right-click a Vuser group that includes multiple scripts and select Runtime Settings

Important information
  • If one of the selected scripts does not support shared runtime settings, then you will only have the option of modifying each script's individual runtime settings (Individual RTS).

  • Shared RTS mode is disabled for GUI or Astra LoadTest Vusers.

  • Some runtime settings cannot be modified in Shared RTS mode. These settings will not appear in the runtime settings window. To modify them, open the runtime settings for each individual script.

  • The following nodes will not appear in Shared RTS mode:
    • Run Logic node - for protocols which support the Run Logic node, the Iterations box appears in the Pacing node

    • Additional Attributes node

    • Internet Protocol:ContentCheck node

    • Java Environment Settings:Classpath node

    • Nodes with tables in the format Property, Value for the protocols: Citrix ICA and Oracle NCA. For example: Oracle NCA:Client Emulation node

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Individual RTS
Opens a separate runtime settings dialog box (one at a time) for each selected script. In this mode, you modify each script's settings individually.
Shared RTS
Opens the runtime settings Shared Mode dialog box containing all of the runtime settings in blank mode. In this mode, any settings that are change are applied to all selected scripts. All other runtime settings remain unchanged.
See Important information above.

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