Scenario goal pane

This pane displays the goals defined for the scenario.

To access
Goal-oriented scenario > Design tab
Important information
  • Available for goal-oriented scenarios only.

  • The goal profiles include the type of goal, the minimum and maximum number of Vusers that should be used in the scenario, the duration of the scenario, and the load behavior.

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Opens the Edit Scenario Goal dialog box, where you set the goals for the scenario. See Edit Scenario Goal dialog box.
The defined goal, including the type of goal and the expected target.
Goal Profile Name
The name of the goal profile.
Load Behavior
How and when Controller should reach the defined goal.
Load Preview graph
A graphical representation of the goal and load behavior defined for the scenario.
Max Number of Vusers
The maximum number of Vuser to run in the scenario.
Min Number of Vusers
The minimum number of Vuser to run in the scenario.
Scenario Duration
The amount of time the scenario should continue running after reaching the defined goal.

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