Scenario Schedule pane
This pane enables you to define a schedule for running your scenario.
To access |
Manual scenario > Design tab |
Relevant tasks | |
See also |
In this topic:
Schedule definition area
Displays the selected schedule's details.
UI Element |
Description |
New Schedule. Creates a new schedule. |
Delete Schedule. Deletes the selected schedule. |
Save New Name. Saves a new name given to the schedule. Note: Enabled when you start typing the new name. |
Start Time. Opens the Scenario Start Time dialog box. You can schedule the scenario to start running:
![]() (Group schedule only) |
Wait for all groups to finish initialization. When this option is selected, all of the Vusers in all of the Vuser groups finish initializing before any of them start running. Note: When this option is selected, Initialize each Vuser just before it runs is not available. For details about the Initialize action, see Schedule actions. |
Run Mode |
The mode according to which the schedule will run:
For details, see Schedule run modes. Default value: Real-world. Note: To change the default, select Tools > Options > Execution tab. |
Schedule by |
The schedule type:
For details, see Schedule by scenario or group. |
Schedule Name |
The name given to the schedule. |
Action grid
You define the actions for a schedule in this area. You can add, modify, and delete actions. These actions include starting Vuser groups (in group schedules) and initializing, starting, and stopping Vusers. You can also define how long each action should continue.
When creating group schedules, you can copy group schedule settings from one Vuser group to another.
UI Element
(Real-world schedule only)
Add Action After. Opens the Add Action dialog box where you can define new actions. For details, see Add Action dialog box. The new action is added after the action selected in the Actions grid. |
Edit Action. Opens the Edit Action dialog box where you can edit the schedule actions. For details, see Edit Action dialog box.
Delete Action. Deletes the selected action. |
Move Action Up. Moves the selected action up the grid. |
Move Action Down. Moves the selected action down the grid. |
(Vuser group schedules only)
Copy Schedule Settings From. Enables copying group schedule settings from one Vuser group to another in the Scenario Groups pane. Note: Schedule settings copied include the schedule run mode (basic or real-world) and the set of schedule actions. Example: To copy group_1's schedule settings to group_2, select group_2 in the Scenario Groups pane. Then click this button, and select group_1. |
Displays the total number of Vusers scheduled to run in the scenario.
Apply. When you modify the Total: <#> Vusers field, applies the specified total number of Vusers proportionately to the Vuser groups. (Percentages are visible in the % column of the Scenario Scripts pane.) This appears only when Total: <#> Vusers is modified. |
Schedule graph
Displays a graphical representation of the scenario schedule. The lines in the graph correspond to the actions defined in the Actions grid.
The graph reflects the scenario Vuser schedule and not the actual state of the Vusers during scenario execution.
UI Element
Pause. Pauses the schedule during the scenario run. When the schedule is paused, the red vertical line that indicates the schedule's progress freezes. Note: Available only when the scenario is running. |
Resume. Resumes a paused schedule. When the schedule resumes running, the red vertical line continues moving across the graph, indicating the schedule's progress. Note: Available only when the scenario is running. |
Show Selected Group. Displays only the group selected in the Scenario Groups pane. Note: Available for group schedules only. |
Show All Groups. Displays all Vuser groups participating in the scenario. Note: Available for group schedules only. |
Open Full View. Opens the graph in its own window. |
Zoom In. Zooms into the x-axis of the graph, spreading the graph out to view shorter time intervals. |
Zoom Out. Zoom out of the x-axis of the graph, displaying longer time intervals. |
Zoom Reset. Reverts to the default time intervals displayed on the x-axis. |
Hide/Show Legend. Hides/Shows the graph legend. |
<Schedule progress indicator> |
A red vertical line that slides across the schedule graph during the scenario run. Note: The schedule may run a few seconds ahead of the scenario run. |
<Time scroll bar> |
Appears if, when zooming into the graph, the graph spreads out wider than the graph area. |