Run scenarios using the CLI tool

This topic describes how to use the command line interface (CLI) tool for scenario run automation.

The CLI tool enables you to run load test scenarios from the command prompt using a LoadRunner Professional scenario (.lrs) file or an XML input file.

You construct the XML input prior to running scenarios, allowing for fully DevOps-oriented flows including:

  • Pulling scripts from any source control
  • Dynamically allocating Dockerized load generators
  • Running scenarios from any CI tool

In this topic:

Invoke the CLI tool

  1. Prerequisite: The user name and password that were used to log in to the Controller machine will be used to run Controller. If you want to use different user credentials, define them in <LoadRunner Professional root>\bin\CLIControllerApp.exe.config in the <appSettings> tag.
  2. Run CLIControllerApp.exe, located in the <LoadRunner Professional root>\bin, appending the arguments as described in Command line format below.

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Command line format

Use the following format for the command line arguments:

–{Run Type} –{File Path} –{Post Run Command} –{Result Name} –{Result Path}

Arguments Description

Run Type


  • InputFile. Use this when the input data for the test is provided in *.xml format. The XML input file must contain the structure described in XML input file.
  • TestPath. Use this when the test runs with data from an existing *.lrs file

File Path


A valid Windows path leading to a file.

  • When Run Type is Inputfile, this file is an *.xml file, in the CLI format. See XML input file below.
  • When Run Type is TestPath, this file must be an *.lrs file.

Post Run Command


Determines what happens when the run finishes.

  • Run. Runs the scenario only.
  • Collate. Runs the scenario. When the scenario finishes running, the results are collated.
  • CollateAndAnalyze. Runs the scenario. When the scenario finishes running, the results are collated and analyzed.

Result Name


Use this to define a folder under which the results will be stored. It must be followed by Result Path.

Format: -ResultName<ResultPath>

Result Path


This argument represents the folder under which the results will be collated. It must always be preceded by -ResultName and it must be a valid folder path.

Format: -ResultName<ResultPath>

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  • Running a test using an XML input file:

    <LoadRunner Professional root>\bin\CLIControllerApp.exe -InputFile C:\CLI.xml -CollateAndAnalyze -ResultName C:\ControllerResultPath\Res_01

  • Running a test using an existing *.lrs file:

    <LoadRunner Professional root>\bin\CLIControllerApp.exe -TestPath C:\testName.lrs -CollateAndAnalyze -ResultName C:\ControllerResultPath\Res

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XML input file

The XML input file contains a CLIRun element which has the following structure:

                    <?xml version="1.0"?>

			<Name>{Group Name}</Name>
			<Vusers>{Number of Vusers}</Vusers>
				<Name>{The name of the script}</Name>
				<Path>{Full path leading to the script}</Path>
				<JMeterPath>{Path to the JMeter of the script}</JMeterPath>
				<JMeterAdditionalPropertiesFilePath>{Path to the file containing additional properties for JMeter}</JMeterAdditionalPropertiesFilePath>
					<!--Used only in the case of JMeter Protocol Type scripts-->
				<!-- NOTE: Make sure that the host defined here is also defined in the Hosts section below-->
				<HostName>{Name of the host that will be used by the group.}</HostName>

			<Name>{Host Name}</Name>
			<Installation>{Acceptable values for this element are: 'Unix' or 'Windows'.}</Installation>
			<IsOverFirewall>{Acceptable values for this element are: 'true' or 'false'.}</IsOverFirewall>

		<Name>{Scheduler Name}</Name>
			<Duration>{The time the test should run for.(in seconds)}</Duration>


The CLIRun element contains 3 sections:

  • Groups. A list of all the groups that will be used in the test
  • Hosts. A list of all the hosts that will be available for the Groups
  • Scheduler. The scheduler details.
Element Description

A group in the list of groups.

  • Name. The name of the group.
  • Vusers. The number of vusers in the group. Positive integer value only.
  • Script. The script used by the group. See Script.
  • AssignedHosts. Contains at least one HostName element
  • HostName. Identical to the name of a host defined in the Hosts section


A script used by a group.

  • Name.The name of the script.
  • Path. The valid path to the *.zip file containing the script files.
  • For JMeter protocol scripts only (mandatory):

    • JMeterPath. A valid path to the JMeter installation.

    • JMeterAdditionalPropertiesFilePath. The valid path to the file containing additional properties for JMeter.


A host in the lists of hosts, and used by a group.

  • Name. The name of the host.
  • Installation. UNIX, WINDOWS
  • IsOverFirewall. Boolean: TRUE, FALSE.

Determines the duration of the scenario run.

  • Name. The scheduler name.
  • Data. Contains the Duration tag.
  • Duration. The duration (in seconds) of the scenario run. Positive integer value only.

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XML input file samples

JMeter sample

		<Name>Scheduler 1</Name>

Web HTTP sample

		<Name>Scheduler 1</Name>

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Notes about running tests using the CLI tool

When you invoke Controller from the command line, the following applies:

  • Only one instance of Controller can run at a time.

  • The arguments are case sensitive.

  • Controller will always overwrite results.

  • Controller launched through the command line behaves normally except when using the -Run option. When using the -Run option, dialogs and message boxes that open and require the user to close them in a usual launch, do not open in a command line launch.

  • Controller's settings are loaded from wlrun7.ini, located in the <LR installation>\config folder.

  • The following property settings are required for the user account used to run the CLI tool:

    • Password never expires must be selected.
    • User must change password at next logon must not be selected.
  • If the application is terminated and an error code is displayed, check the Microsoft documentation for the error code meaning.

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See also: