Design a manual scenario
This task describes how to design a manual scenario.
In this topic:
- 1. Prerequisites
- 2. Open a scenario, or create a new one
- 3. Add load generators to the scenario
- 4. Add Vuser groups/scripts to the scenario - Vuser group mode
- 5. Add Vuser groups/scripts to the scenario - Percentage mode
- 6. Define a virtual location for the scenario - optional
- 6. Define a schedule for the scenario
- 7. Define virtual services for the scenario - optional
- 8. Define service level agreements for the scenario - optional
1. Prerequisites
When designing a manual scenario, plan how you want to distribute the Vusers in the scenario. For more details, see Manual scenarios.
Before you start designing the scenario, record the VuGen scripts that will run in the scenario. For details, see Record a Vuser Script.
2. Open a scenario, or create a new one
On the main Controller toolbar, click the New Scenario button
In the New Scenario dialog box, select Manual Scenario.
(Optional) To distribute the Vusers by percentage, select the Use the Percentage mode... option.
(Optional) Select scripts to participate in the scenario. If you do not select the scripts here, you can select them later on.
Note: If a script was created in a version of VuGen or TruClient that is later than the Controller version, the script may not run. In this case you may be prompted whether to allow the script to run. A notice will be put in the Load Generator log.
Note: You can convert from one scenario mode to another at any time. For details, Change the scenario mode (manual scenario).
When you click OK, the scenario opens in the Design tab.

3. Add load generators to the scenario
Click the Load Generators button . In the Load Generators dialog box that opens, click Add and enter the details of the load generator you are adding. For details about adding load generators, see Add New Load Generator/Load Generator Information dialog box.
4. Add Vuser groups/scripts to the scenario - Vuser group mode
In the Scenario Groups pane, click the Add Group button
In the Add Group dialog box:
Give the group a name and assign a number of Vusers to the group.
Select a load generator on which to run the Vusers.
Select a Vuser script.

5. Add Vuser groups/scripts to the scenario - Percentage mode
Click the Add Group button
and select a Vuser script from the list. Repeat this step for all scripts that you want to include inthe test.
In the Scenario Scripts pane's Load Generator column, select load generators on which to run the scripts.
In the Scenario Scripts pane's % column, assign a percentage of the total number of Vusers for each script. Assign percentages to the scripts starting with the first script in the table and moving down the list.

6. Define a virtual location for the scenario - optional
If you have Network Virtualization installed, click in the Virtual Location column, and select a location. For details, see Network Virtualization Locations.
6. Define a schedule for the scenario
Define a schedule by which to run the Vusers in the scenario. For details, see Define a schedule for the scenario.

7. Define virtual services for the scenario - optional
If you have Service Virtualization installed, you can add virtual services in place of actual services. For details, see Service Virtualization.
8. Define service level agreements for the scenario - optional
You can define service level agreements (SLAs) to measure scenario goals over time intervals, or over a whole scenario run. When you later analyze the run using Analysis, this data is compared against the SLAs and SLA statuses are determined for the defined measurements. To define SLAs, see Define service level agreements.