Vusers dialog box

This dialog box displays the status of the Vusers in the selected Vuser group.

To access
Manual scenario > Design tab > Scenario Groups pane > Vusers
Relevant tasks

Run a scenario

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
Run Starts running the selected Vuser.

Gradual Stop

Instructs Controller to complete the current iteration or action before stopping the Vuser.

Note: This option is only available when the Vuser is in the Run state, and if you selected the Wait for the current iteration to end before exiting or Wait for the current action to end before exiting option in the runtime settings tab of the Options dialog box.

Stop Stops running the selected Vuser immediately.
Reset Resets the status of the Vuser to Down.
Details Opens the Vuser Information dialog box, where you can view details about the selected Vuser.
Add Vuser(s) Opens the Add Vusers dialog box where you can add more Vusers to the Vuser group.
Refresh Refreshes the contents of the columns in the Vuser list. This is relevant when you make changes outside of this window. The changes may be in the group or test information or, when working with network virtualization, updating the virtual location.

Indicates that this Vuser is collecting web page diagnostic data for Analysis.

For configuration details, see Web page diagnostics.

For details on the Analysis graphs, see Web Page Diagnostics graphs overview.

<Filter by script>
Filters the Vusers table by the selected script.
<Filter by status>
Filters the Vusers table by the selected Vuser status. For details, see Vuser statuses.
<Right-click menu>
  • Filter Vusers. Enables you to filter the Vuser list by Vuser status.

  • Renumber. Renumbers the list of Vusers in sequential order, starting from 1.

  • Sort Vusers. Enables you to sort the table by a selected column. To sort the table in ascending/descending order, click the relevant table heading.

<Vusers table>
Displays the following information about the Vusers:
  • ID. The Vuser's ID number

  • Status. The Vuser's status. For details, see Vuser statuses.

  • Script. The script run by the Vuser.

  • Virtual Location. The virtual location being emulated (read-only). This column is only visible when Network Virtualization is enabled and set to Per Load Generator mode. For details, see Virtual Locations Settings Dialog Box.

  • Load Generator. The load generator on which the Vuser is running.

  • Elapsed Time. Amount of time that elapsed in the scenario since the Vuser began running.

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