Configure the LoadRunner Agent over firewalls
On each load generator machine that will be running over a firewall and on each Monitor-Over-Firewall machine, you configure the LoadRunner Agent to communicate with the MI Listener. The MI Listener serves as a router between the load generator and Controller.
Configure the Windows LoadRunner Agent.
Stop the LoadRunner Agent by right-clicking its icon in the system tray and selecting Close, and then setting the options in the Agent Configuration dialog box as described in Agent Configuration dialog box.
Restart the LoadRunner Agent by double-clicking the shortcut on the desktop.
Configure and run the Linux LoadRunner Agent.
Open <LoadRunner root folder>/dat/br_lnch_server.cfg in a text editor.
In the Firewall section, set
and save your changes. -
Run agent_config from the <LoadRunner root folder>/bin folder to display a menu of actions:
1. Show current settings.
2. Change a setting.
3. Save changes and exit.
4. Exit without saving.
5. Use default values.Note: If agent_config does not display the menu shown above, see Known issues for firewalls for a possible solution.
to display the current settings:Settings:
1. MI Listener Name =
2. Local Machine Key =
3. Connection Timeout (seconds) = 20
4. Connection Type = TCP
5. Use Secure Connection (SSL) = False
6. Check Server Certificates= False
7. Client Certificate Owner = False
8. Private Key User Name =
9. Private Key Password =
10. Proxy Name =
11. Proxy Port =
12. Proxy User Name =
13. Proxy Password =
14. Proxy Domain =
1. Show current settings
2. Change a setting.
3. Save changes and exit.
4. Exit without saving.
5. Use default values. -
To change a setting, enter
to display the settings menu:Settings:
1. MI Listener Name =
2. Local Machine Key =
3. Connection Timeout (seconds) = 20
4. Connection Type= TCP
5. Use Secure Connection (SSL) = False
6. Check Server Certificates= False
7. Client Certificate Owner = False
8. Private Key User Name =
9. Private Key Password =
10. Proxy Name =
11. Proxy Port =
12. Proxy User Name =
13. Proxy Password =
14. Proxy Domain =
Enter number of setting to change or 0 to go back to menu.
Enter the setting and continue according to the menu instructions. Set each option according to the Agent Configuration Settings dialog box.
Restart the LoadRunner Agent.
To remove (turn off) the LoadRunner Agent, run the command
m_daemon_setup -remove
from the <LoadRunner root folder>/bin folder. -
To start the LoadRunner Agent, run the command
m_daemon_setup -install
from the <LoadRunner root folder>/bin folder.
Note: When the LoadRunner Agent is configured to run over a firewall, and the agent is connected to the MI Listener, a file called
is created in the temporary folder of the LoadRunner agent machine. The file is removed when the LoadRunner Agent disconnects from the MI Listener. -
See also: