Measurement Options dialog box

This dialog box enables you to set the color and the scale for any measurement of the graph you selected.

To access

Legend Toolbar >

See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Measurement Select a measurement to configure.
Change Color Select a new color for the selected measurement.
Scale Select the required scale option:
  • Set measurement scale to x. Select the scale with which you want to view the selected measurement.
  • Set automatic scale for all measurements. Uses an automatic scale optimized to display each measurement in the graph.
  • Set scale 1 for all measurements. Sets the scale to one for all measurements in the graph.
  • View measurement trends for all measurements. Standardizes the y-axis values in the graph, according to the following formula: New Y value = (Previous Y Value - Average of previous values) / STD of previous values.

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