Set Dimension Information dialog box

The Set Dimension Information dialog box enables you to set the dimension information for each measurement (transaction, number of released Vusers, resource) in the result set. You specify the minimum and maximum values for each measurement you want in the analysis. By default, the full range of values for each measurement is displayed.

To access You can open this dialog box from the following locations:
  • Transaction graphs > View menu > Set Filter/Group by > Filter condition pane > Transaction Response Time
  • Vusers graph > Rendezvous graph > View menu > Set Filter/Group by > Filter condition pane > Number of Released Vusers
  • All graphs that measure resources (such as Web Server and Database Server) > View menu > Set Filter/Group by > Filter condition pane > Resource Value
Note If you are specifying the start and end time for a transaction (in minutes:seconds format), the time is relative to the beginning of the load test scenario.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Minimum Specify a minimum value for the measurement.
Maximum Specify a maximum value for the measurement.

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