HTML reports

Analysis enables you to create HTML reports for your load test scenario run. It creates a separate page for each one of the open graphs and reports.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • Reports > HTML Report

  • Toolbar >

Relevant tasks
  • Open all graphs that you want to include in the report.

  • Specify a path and file name for the HTML report and click Save. Analysis saves a Summary Report which has the same name as the file in the selected folder. The rest of the graphs are saved in a folder with the same name as the Summary Report's file name. When you create an HTML report, Analysis opens your default browser and displays the Summary Report.

  • To copy the HTML reports to another location, be sure to copy the file name and the folder with the same name. For example, if you named your HTML report test1, copy test1.html and the folder test1 to the required location.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
<Graphs> menu left frame

Click the graph link to view an HTML report for that graph.

You can view an Excel file containing the graph data, by clicking the Open in Excel button on the relevant graph page.

Context Menu. Right-click to print the graph, or save it as an image (.png, .jpeg, or .svg) or PDF.
Graph pane Hover over the graph to view details of the displayed measurements.
Legend Click a measurement on the legend to show or hide it from the graph.

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