Result Collection tab (Options dialog box)

This tab enables you to configure how Analysis processes result data from load test scenarios.

To access Tools > Options > Result Collection tab.
Important information

The options in this tab are pre-defined with default settings. It is recommended to use these default settings unless there is a specific need to change them. Changing some of the settings, such as default aggregation, can significantly impact the amount of data stored in the Analysis database.

See Also

Configure settings for analyzing load test results

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Data Source

In this area, you configure how Analysis generates result data from load test scenarios.

Complete data refers to the result data after it has been processed for use within Analysis. Summary data refers to the raw, unprocessed data. The summary graphs contain general information such as transaction names and times. See below for more details on Summary data versus complete data.

Select one of the following options:

  • Generate summary data only. If this option is selected, Analysis does not process the data for advanced use with filtering and grouping.

  • Generate complete data only. If this option is selected, the graphs can then be sorted, filtered, and manipulated.

  • Display summary data while generating complete data. Enables you to view summary data while you wait for the complete data to be processed.

Note: If you selected one of the options to generate complete data, you can define how Analysis aggregates the complete data in the Data Aggregation area.

Data Aggregation

If you chose to generate complete data in the Data Source area, you use this area to configure how Analysis aggregates the data.

Data aggregation is necessary in order to reduce the size of the database and decrease processing time in large scenarios.

Select one of the following options:

  • Automatically aggregate data to optimize performance. Aggregates data using built-in data aggregation formulas.

  • Automatically aggregate web data only. Aggregates web data only using built-in data aggregation formulas.

  • Apply user-defined aggregation. Aggregates data using settings you define.

  • Click the Aggregation Configuration button to open the Data Aggregation Configuration Dialog Box and define your custom aggregation settings. For details on the user interface, see Data Aggregation Configuration dialog box (Result Collection tab).

Data Time Range

In this area you specify whether to display data for the complete duration of the scenario, or for a specified time range only. Select one of the following options:

  • Entire scenario. Displays data for the complete duration of the load test scenario

  • Specified scenario time range. Specify the time range using the following boxes:

    • Analyze results from. Enter the amount of scenario time you want to elapse (in hh:mm:ss format) before Analysis begins displaying data.

    • until. Enter the point in the scenario (in hh:mm:ss format) at which you want Analysis to stop displaying data.

Note: The Specified scenario time range settings are not applied to the Connections and Running Vusers graphs.

Copy Controller Output Messages to Analysis Session

Controller output messages are displayed in Analysis in the Output Messages window. Select one of the following options for copying output messages generated by Controller to the Analysis session.

  • Copy if data set is smaller than X MB. Copies the Controller output data to the Analysis session if the data set is smaller than the amount you specify.

  • Always Copy. Always copies the Controller output data to the Analysis session.

  • Never Copy. Never copies the Controller output data to the Analysis session.

Click this button to apply the settings in the Result Collection tab to the current session. The Controller output data is copied when the Analysis session is saved.

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Summary data versus complete data

In large load test scenarios, with results exceeding 100 MB, it can take a long time for Analysis to process the data. When you configure how Analysis generates result data from load test scenarios, you can choose to generate complete data or summary data.

Complete data refers to the result data after it has been processed for use within Analysis.

Summary data refers to the raw, unprocessed data. The summary graphs contain general information such as transaction names and times. Some fields are not available for filtering when you work with summary graphs.

Note that some graphs are not available when viewing only the summary data.

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See also: