AppDynamics monitor

The AppDynamics monitor enables integration with Cisco AppDynamics, a real-time performance monitoring tool.

Version support: The AppDynamics monitor is available from version 24.3.

About the AppDynamics integration

Cisco AppDynamics provides application performance monitoring across your application stack.

The AppDynamics monitor fetches data collected by AppDynamics and displays it in Controller and Analysis. The data provides information on the availability and performance of software applications, and the impact on user experience, as measured by the AppDynamics platform.

The metrics are displayed in a dedicated graph in Controller and Analysis.

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Set up the AppDynamics monitor

Set up the monitor to collect data from the AppDynamics server.

Make sure you are using a supported version of AppDynamics. For details, see the Integrations section of the Support Matrix.

To set up the AppDynamics monitor:

  1. In Controller, in the Run tab, select Graphs > AppDynamics Graphs > AppDynamics . The AppDynamics graph opens in the display area.

  2. In the AppDynamics graph display box, click Add measurements.

  3. In the AppDynamics dialog box, in the Monitored Server Machines area, click Add.

  4. In the Connect to AppDynamics dialog box, enter the details to make the connection:

    UI Element Description

    The name or IP address of the AppDynamics server whose resources you want to monitor.


    The port number of the AppDynamics server.

    Use HTTPS

    Select the check box if you are using an HTTPS connection.

    Note: With some AppDynamics configurations, you might need to install TLS (SSL) certificates on your AppDynamics server for it to work correctly. Refer to the product documentation for more details.

    Connect using a user account

    Select this option to connect with user credentials. Enter the user name and password required to access the monitored server.

    Note: If in AppDynamics you are using an account name other than the default account (Customer1), you need to add the account name after the user name in the format: Username@accountname

    Connect using an access token Select this option to connect using a token generated on the AppDynamics platform. Enter the token details.

    Click the Get Applications button to retrieve a list of available applications to monitor. Select an application from the dropdown list.

  5. Click Save. When you have successfully connected, the Resource Measurements area of the AppDynamics dialog box becomes active.

  6. In the Resource Measurements area, click Add.

  7. In the Select metrics for application dialog box, select the required metrics from the Available metrics list, and click Add to include them in the Selected metrics list.

    Note: Empty folders have a red X after the folder name, and cannot be added to the selected metrics list.

  8. Click OK. The selected metrics are displayed in the Resource Measurements pane of the AppDynamics dialog box.

  9. Click OK in the AppDynamics dialog box.

  10. (Optional) The AppDynamics data points are sent every 60 seconds, so OpenText recommends using a bigger time frame for the AppDynamics graph. Change the time frame parameter in the Settings for the graph.

    When you run the scenario, after a delay, the selected metrics are displayed in the AppDynamics graph.


    • It takes a few minutes until Controller receives valid data for the test in progress. After this delay, the graph starts displaying metrics, using the timestamps from the AppDynamics machine. The timestamps for the data points in the graph will therefore be a few minutes older than the time on the Controller machine.

    • If you set up the monitor using the over-firewall components, then the MI Listener uses the timestamp of the request for data, and not the AppDynamics timestamp for the metrics. So you will not see a "delay" for the data points in the graph.

      In addition, the data points in the graph will be more frequent than the data collected by Controller, due to the more frequency polling rate defined on the MOFW machine.

      For details, see Set up your system over firewalls.

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See also: