Messages 26561 Through 26580

Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.

Message Code 26561

web_reg_save_param/web_create_html_param[_ex]/web_reg_find may produce incorrect results due to HTTP Status Code=304 ('status string') for 'URL'

This is a warning message only. If the client checked for a newer version of the URL and the document was not modified since the time and date specified in the "Last-Modified" field, the server responds with a 304 status code, and does not send the document body to the client. Any searches which depend on the existence of the body, may produce the wrong results.


  • Ensure that you want to emulate "every visit to the page" browser setting. To deactivate this setting, select Runtime Settings > Browser: Browser Emulation, and clear the Check for newer versions of stored pages every visit to the page option. Save and run the script again.
  • Put the web_reg_xxx function before the first request for this URL, since the first request will get the actual body.

Message Code 26563

Non-empty response body is invalid with HTTP Status Code 204 (No Content) for 'URL'

This is a warning message only. URL returned with 204 HTTP status code should have no content. Body was found in the response.


  • Check your server HTTP settings for this URL.
  • Check why there is body in the response.

Message Code 26565

HTTP Status Line detected after some undetermined data, which will be ignored for 'URL'

This is a warning message only. Undetermined data was received for the specified URL before the status line.


  • If the server did not send a header, the response's default HTTP properties are used. Check if the server can send the header.

Message Code 26566

No HTTP Status Line detected. All data will be handled as body without headers for 'URL'

This is a warning message only. A response for the specified URL was received without a status line.


  • If the server did not send a header, the response's default HTTP properties are used. Check if the server can send the header.

Message Code 26567

No HTTP Status Line detected. The undetermined data above and additional data received now will be handled as body without headers for 'URL'

This is a warning message only. A response for the specified URL was received without a status line. Possible causes: (i) An anti-virus server sent a special buffer before sending the actual HTTP header. (ii) The server did not send an HTTP header.


  • If the server did not send a header, the response's default HTTP properties are used. Check if the server can send the header.

Message Code 26570

Ignoring 'byte' byte(s) of data beyond the logical end of the response

This is a warning message only.


  • In Controller, check if all other users received the same warning at the same place. If other URLs from different servers didn't produce the same warning, this probably indicates normal server behavior.
  • If the problem is inconsistent, this may be a networking issue. If you are working through a proxy, try using a direct connection.

Message Code 26572

Non-resource 'URL' (detected in HTML) not downloaded. Unsupported scheme

This is a warning message only, and in most instances you can ignore this message. The URL of a non-resource (e.g., an HTML frame) was detected in the response HTML. The "scheme" part of the URL (format "scheme://host/path") is not supported. Only "http:" and "https:" are supported. Note that in some cases (e.g., when the scheme is "javascript:"), the recorder generates a separate script function to download the resulting URL.


  • Record all requests and resources from the server: In VuGen, select Tools > Recording Options >Internet Protocol: Recording node, and select the URL-based script option.

Message Code 26573

Not enough memory ('requested buffer size' bytes) for the 'header name' header value

Insufficient memory for a buffer that contains a header value.


  • Check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes.

Message Code 26576

Cache operation ('operation name') failed for 'reason'

An internal cache operation failed, probably due to memory shortage.


  • Check the machine's memory resources, and close any unnecessary processes.
  • Deactivate caching. In the VuGen script, select Runtime Settings > Browser: Browser Emulation, and clear the Simulate browser cache option. Save and run the script again.

Message Code 26580

Number of bytes read ('bytes') from submitted/uploaded file 'file path' does not match the expected file size ('file size')

An error occurred while reading a file to be submitted (uploaded). The number of bytes actually read does not match the expected file size. The file is specified by the "BodyFilePath=" argument of web_custom_request.


  • Try running the script again.
  • Check that the file is not corrupted.
  • Check that the file is accessible. If it is a network file, check your network connections.

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