Messages 27281 Through 27400

Note: If an error code within the above range does not appear in this list, it is considered an Internal Error, for which no specific user troubleshooting guidelines are available.

Message Code 27282

Ordinal must be 1 when the left and/or right boundaries are empty


  • Specify non-empty left and right boundaries, or
  • Delete the offending "Ordinal" (or "Ord") argument, or change its value to 1. This is only applicable if the first occurrence of the requested parameter is required. If not, specify non-empty boundaries.

Message Code 27285

Setting the timeout value failed

Unable to set the timeout specified by the user in web_set_timeout. Possible causes:

  • Invalid timeout value.
  • Internal error.


  • Check that the timeout value specified is within the valid range (the range is usually from 1 to 120). For more information on valid ranges, refer to the Function Reference.
  • Delete the problematic web_set_timeout call from the script.
  • Change the required timeout: In VuGen, choose Runtime Settings > Internet Protocol: Preferences, click the Options button, and change the required timeout value. Note that the new timeout value will be applied to the whole script.

Message Code 27286

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') is NULL or empty

The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Supply a non-empty string for the offending argument.

Message Code 27287

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') is out of range ('number1' through 'number2')

The argument specifies a number that is out of range. The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Use a number within the range specified in the error message.

Message Code 27288

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld') does not specify a valid number

The argument does not specify a valid number, or the number specified is out of range. The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • If the value specified is not a number, change it to a number.
  • If the value specified is a number, check that it is within the valid range. For more information on valid ranges, refer to the Function Reference.

Message Code 27289

Unrecognized value ('value') for the 'argument' argument (number 'argument ld')

The specified value of the argument is unrecognized, invalid, or out of range. The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Enter a valid value for the offending argument. For more information on argument values, refer to the Function Reference.

Message Code 27290

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument Id') is NULL

The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Supply a non-empty string for the offending argument.

Message Code 27294

"File=yes" specified (argument number 'argument Id') without EncType=multipart/form-data

You must specify the argument "EncType=multipart/form-data" when using the argument "File=yes".


  • Delete the "File=Yes" argument, or
  • Specify the argument "EncType=multipart/form-data".

Message Code 27295

Missing or misplaced equals sign (=) in the 'argument' argument (number 'argument Id')

The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Put the equals sign (=) in the appropriate position of the specified argument.

Message Code 27296

Sub-argument number 'sub-argument Id' of the 'argument' argument ('argument Id') is invalid

An invalid sub-argument has been specified. The argument Id denotes the position of the argument in the argument list.


  • Enter a valid value for the offending sub-argument. For more information on argument values, refer to Function Reference.

Message Code 27297

'sub-argument' (sub-argument number 'sub-argument Id') is specified more than once for the 'argument' argument (number 'argument Id')

The sub-argument has already been specified in the argument list of the argument. Only one instance of the sub-argument is allowed in the function.


  • Check which instance of the sub-argument should remain, and delete the other one.

Message Code 27298

The 'argument' argument (number 'argument Id') is specified more than once

The argument has already been specified in the argument list. Only one instance of this argument is allowed in the function.


  • Check which instance should remain and delete the other one.

Message Code 27299

Resource 'resource URL' not downloaded (resource downloading not requested)

The "Download non-HTML resources" option was not selected in the runtime settings.


  • If you want to download non-HTML resources, choose Runtime Settings > Browser: Browser Emulation, and select the Download non-HTML resources check box.