Finance ISO monitoring

Finance ISO is a Java protocol that handles sending and receiving ISO-8583 standard messages. These messages are specific to banking electronic transactions. The Finance ISO monitor measures message flow (duration and rate) and throughput between the server and the client, when running a load test scenario.

Version support: Finance ISO monitoring is supported from version 24.3.

The following monitor graphs are available:

Monitor Description
Finance ISO Message Rate Monitors the number of messages sent (Send rate) and received (Receive rate) per second at any given time during the scenario run.
Finance ISO Response Duration Measures the response time (in milliseconds) between a message sent and a response received over LrJposChannel. The messages that do not have responses are not monitored.
Finance ISO Throughput

Monitors the amount of data (in bytes) that the channel sends (Send throughput), or receives (Receive throughput), at any given time during the scenario run.

See also: