How to Run a Scenario with Network Virtualization

This task describes how to run a scenario using NV and view the metrics in Analysis and the NV Insights Report.

  1. Prerequisites

    Make sure that you have the current version of Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Professional installed on your Controller and load generator machines. For details, see Installation.

  2. Open the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box.

    1. On the Controller toolbar, click the Show Virtual Locations Settings button to open the dialog box. For details, see Virtual Locations Settings dialog box.
    2. In the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box, select Enable Network Virtualization. After you enable NV, a Network Virtualization status button appears in the Controller status bar.

  3. Choose a virtualization mode.

    • Select the default Per Group mode to enable you to run multiple Vuser groups with different virtual locations on the same load generator.

      For NV insights, select the Per Group mode.

    • Select the Per Load Generator mode to enable you to run multiple Vuser groups on each load generator, where all the Vuser groups on any particular load generator use the same virtual location.

    For more information on the different modes, see Per group versus per load generator.

  4. Click Common Settings and, in the dialog box that opens, set the global NV settings that apply to all virtual locations in the scenario.

    Note: This step provides general information. For more details, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help.

    1. Define the packet capture settings, as needed.

      For NV Insights, set Enable Packet Capture to Yes.

    2. In the Exclude these IPs area, specify any machines that you want to exclude from NV for all locations. For details on which machines to exclude, see Excluding Machines from Network Virtualization.

    3. Click OK to apply your changes to all virtual locations in the scenario and close the dialog box.

  5. Add virtual locations. (Optional)

    If you do not want to use one of the built-in virtual locations, you can define your own custom locations. In the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box, click in the Virtual Locations list and add one or more location names. For location names, use the ANSI standard format. You cannot use the following characters:
    \ / : “ ? ‘ < > | * % ^ , ! { } ( ) ; = #

    To add a new location, enter the name of the location in the next available line.

    For more details, see Network Virtualization Locations.

  6. Configure the NV settings per location.

    1. In the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box, select a location in the Virtual Locations list.
    2. Click Configure to open the Virtual Location Editor. For details on how to configure your virtual location, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help.

    Note: When defining bandwidth settings for your scenario, bandwidth can either be shared between all Vusers or set per Vuser. The following protocols support shared bandwidth only: 

    • Citrix ICA
    • COM/DCOM
    • Java Record Replay
    • Java Vuser
    • MAPI

    If you define a scenario with any of these protocols with individual bandwidth settings, a warning is displayed when you run the scenario.

  7. Close the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box.

  8. Do one of the following:

    • For Per Group mode, configure each Vuser group.

      1. In the Scenario Groups pane, click the Virtual Location box for the Vuser group and select a location from the dropdown list. If you do not want to use NV for a specific group, select None.

      2. Select the NV Insights check box if you want to include the Vuser group in the NV Insights Report that is produced after the scenario run.
      3. Repeat the above steps for each Vuser group.

        Note: If the script runs on a protocol that does not support the Per Group mode, the icon appears next to the virtual location showing that the script will run according to the Load Generator settings.

    • For Per Load Generator mode, set a location for each load generator.

      1. On the main Controller toolbar, click the Load Generator button to open the Load Generators dialog box.

      2. Select the load generator and click Details.

      3. Click the Network Virtualization tab, click the Default Virtual Location drop-down and select a virtual location for the Load Generator. If you do not want to use NV for a specific load generator, select None.

      4. Repeat the above steps for each load generator.

  9. Initiate the NV monitors.

    1. In the bottom section of the Controller window, select the Run tab.

    2. In the Available Graphs pane, locate the Network Virtualization node. Double-click the metrics to monitor them. For details, see Network Virtualization monitoring.

  10. Filter the measurements by location. (Optional)

    To view graphs for a specific location:

    1. Click within a graph.
    2. Select Set Filter/ Sort By from the right-click menu to open the Graph Settings dialog box.
    3. In the Filter condition section, select the Location row, and specify the relevant location.

    To group the measurements by location:

    1. Click within a graph and select Set Filter/ Sort By from the right-click menu.
    2. In the Group by section, select Location in the Available groups pane.
    3. Click the right arrow to move it into the Selected groups pane.
  11. Export the virtual locations settings. (Optional)

    In the Virtual Locations Settings dialog box, click Export to save the settings to a file for future use.

  12. Save and run the scenario.

    Complete all other steps required to set up your scenario and save it. The NV settings are saved together with the scenario. Run the scenario in the normal way. NV starts and stops automatically with the scenario. View the metrics in the monitors that you added earlier.

    Note: If the scenario includes NV Insights, the system-generated "hidden" Vusers appear at the bottom of the Vuser Group pane while the scenario is running.

  13. View the metrics in the NV Insights Report and Analysis.

    Network virtualization metrics are automatically collected during the scenario run.

    If the scenario includes NV Insights, click the Show Insights Report button on the Controller toolbar to generate and display the NV Insights Report. For details, see NV Insights Report.

    Open Analysis and view the NV metrics. You can group them by location, and correlate the metrics with other data, such as response time.

    Tip: The NV Insights Report is also available in Analysis.

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See also: