Load Generator Information > Terminal Services tab

This tab displays the Terminal Services Manager which enables you to distribute Vusers running in your load testing scenario on terminal servers, and to enable RDP communication.

To access
Controller toolbar > Load Generators button > Add or Details
Important information
This feature is not supported if the load generator is located over a firewall.
Relevant tasks

Add load generators to a scenario

See also

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element
Defaults Resets values to their defaults.
Terminal Services Manager settings
Enable Terminal Services Manager

(Disabled if Enable Remote Desktop Protocol is selected.)

Enables Controller to manage load automatically using terminal sessions on the load generator.

Note: When enabled, you can only see the load generator's name, without adding any extra references.

If you need to use three load generator sessions, my_machine, my_machine:1, and my_machine:2, then in the load generator list, you need only insert the load generator, my_machine, and enable the Terminal Services Manager for three terminals (Number of terminals = 3 - see below).


If not enabled, you need to insert each of the three terminals as separate load generators: my_machine, my_machine:1, and my_machine:2.
Maximum number of Vusers per terminal
The maximum number of Vusers that you want to run in a terminal session. This depends on the Vuser type used in the script.
Default: 50
Example: For GUI Vusers, the maximum is one Vuser for each terminal session.
Number of terminals
The number of terminals you want to use in your scenario. You must open a terminal client session for each terminal on which you want to run Vusers during the scenario.
Default: 2
<Connection Options>
  • Connect to existing Terminal Services Sessions. Enables connection to existing (open) terminal sessions.

    If you select this option, you must open a terminal client session manually for each terminal that you want to run Vusers on during the scenario.

  • Create new Terminal Services Sessions. Enables Controller to open and close terminal sessions automatically. When choosing this option you also specify the credentials required for automatic login: User name, Password, and Domain.

RDP settings
Enable Remote Desktop Protocol

(Disabled if Enable Terminal Services Manager is selected.)

Enables you to configure remote desktop sessions for the selected load generator. When running an interactive RDP session, Vusers are run in that session, despite the LoadRunner Agent being run as a service. This provides support for running GUI-based protocol scripts.

For details, see Run Vusers in an interactive RDP session.

Note: RDP mode is not supported for localhost; it is only available for remote load generators.

Color depth and Resolution Select the required values for the RDP session, to match the settings where the script was recorded.

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