Known issues for non-English languages

This section describes troubleshooting and known issues when working with non-English languages.

In this topic:

Script and scenario names

The following known issues apply to script and scenario names:

  • When recording COM, FTP, IMAP, SMTP, or POP3 protocols, the length of the script name is limited to 10 multi-byte characters (21 bytes).
  • Non-English symbols in script names, and in paths to scripts, scenarios, results, or analysis sessions are not supported.

  • The name and path of a scenario cannot contain multi-byte characters. It is also recommended to use English characters for argument and parameter names.
  • The GWT DFE extension does not support non-English characters in its classpath.

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Browser configuration

If, during recording, non-English characters in the script are displayed as escaped hexadecimal numbers (For example, the string becomes %DC%26), you can correct this by configuring your browser not to send URLs in UTF-8 encoding. In Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options and click the Advanced tab. Clear the Always Send URLs as a UTF-8 option in the Browsing section.
For more information, use the web_sjis_to_euc_param function described in the Function Reference.

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Jenkins reports

After running a LoadRunner Professional job in Jenkins, the links to several reports, such as the Performance Report and Transaction Summary, may not be translated.

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Protocol limitations

SMTP: If you work with the SMTP protocol through MS Outlook or Outlook Express, the Japanese text recorded in a Vuser script is not displayed correctly. However, the script records and replays correctly.

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Content check in multilingual environments

Note the following when using content check in multilingual environments:

  • This version supports content check rules in French, German, Spanish, and Italian. The correct language file should be installed according to the system locale.
  • The suitable language file can also be copied from the installation disk here: ..\lrunner\MSI\setup\international\<lang>\dat\LrwiAedInstallation.xml to the product's dat directory.

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Language packs

Note the following when working with language packs:

  • LoadRunner Professional Language Pack. While installing the language pack, a warning message may be displayed that the LoadRunner Professional Launcher Process is in use.
    Workaround: Click Continue to resume the installation.
  • LoadRunner Professional Language Pack. If you are working with a LoadRunner Professional language pack, it is recommended that you install it before running LoadRunner Professional for the first time.
  • Match Windows locale. Install the language pack that is appropriate for the Windows locale. For example, if you are installing the Russian language pack, the Windows locale must also be Russian.
  • Framework Language Pack. The language pack of .NET Framework needs to be installed to show the localized strings.
  • License Utility warnings. A License Utility dialog box may open when installing a language pack. It will not affect the installation. Close it, and continue installing the language pack.
  • Certificate warnings. VuGen may issue warnings about certificates when recording a Web - HTTP/HTML script on Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1. This only occurs when you install VuGen on a non-English operating system.
    Workaround: Install the language pack for the language of the operating system. Do not delete the certificate after recording.
  • Recording functions. VuGen cannot record a Vuser script for certain protocols if the installation is on a Chinese operating system, and the installation path contains Chinese characters.
  • Tutorial scripts. After the language pack installation, all sessions and scripts for the tutorial remain in English.
  • Menus and toolbars. If you install a language pack after running LoadRunner Professional for the first time, the menus and toolbars may not get translated.
    Workaround: Close the application and delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\<Folder Name> folder from the registry, where <Folder Name> is the drive on which you installed the product.
    For example, if LoadRunner Professional is installed on the C drive, the registry folder name would be HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\C. Restart LoadRunner Professional.
  • Report Templates in Analysis. If you install a language pack after running LoadRunner Professional for the first time, the Report Templates in Analysis (Reports > Report Templates) may not get translated.
    Workaround: Close LoadRunner Professional and copy the files from your LoadRunner Professional installation package's \Reporting folder to the <LoadRunner Professional root>\bin\dat\Reporting folder. Restart LoadRunner Professional
  • Uninstalling LoadRunner Professional. LoadRunner Professional fails to uninstall on a Chinese operating system if the installation path contains Chinese characters.

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Non-localized installations on non-English language operating systems

Note the following when working with non-localized installations on non-English language operating systems:

  • Language support. LoadRunner Professional supports English and the native language of the machine's operating system. For example, if you are using Japanese Windows OS, you can work with LoadRunner Professional in Japanese and in English.
  • Installation path. The path in which installation files for LoadRunner Professional are located, and the path in which LoadRunner Professional is installed, can contain only English characters.
  • Diagnostics add-in. To use the Diagnostics add-in with Controller on a computer with a non-English operating system the Diagnostics_9.0_8.0_LR_Addin_QCCR1I52206 hotfix should be installed. For further assistance, contact customer support.
  • .NET Framework 3.5 failure. Installing LoadRunner Professional on a localized machine may result in a failure in the .NET Framework 3.5 installation process, and you will be asked to terminate the installation. This happens because the .NET 3.5 Framework installation attempts to download the Framework Language Pack but fails.
    Workaround: Terminate the LoadRunner Professional installation according to the Installation wizard's instructions and invoke the installation again.
  • Online Help. The search functionality may not function as expected for strings that contain Chinese/Japanese characters (except Japanese full-width Katakana).
    Workaround: Add a half-width space after each character in the search string.
  • Japanese characters in Web - HTTP/HTML scripts. If you set the advanced recording option to specify the encoding of an application, and the application uses different character encoding for different pages, then the recording log or script may display invalid Japanese characters. This does not cause any errors in the script replay.
  • Non-breaking spaces in web protocols for Far Eastern languages. A non-breaking space (such as &nbsp; &#160; &#xA0; `\xA0') cannot be represented in some Far Eastern locale character sets (in which it is considered a lead byte). Instead, non-breaking spaces are converted to regular spaces (such as ` `, `\x20'), both during script code generation and replay. This may cause replay problems, such as mismatches in length due to eliminating multiple regular spaces.
    Workaround: Remove/add space(s) from/to the script so the comparison succeeds or specify regular expressions to avoid the issue.
  • Standalone installations. The installation interface of the VuGen and LoadRunner Analysis standalone versions are in English and not localized.
  • rdp_type. The rdp_type function does not support native language characters for both record and replay.
  • Word Completion. Word completion does not work when Windows is configured to use the Ctrl+Space combination. This is common when using a Chinese keyboard.
    Workaround: Select Complete word from the Edit menu. Advanced users can disable Ctrl+Space for Chinese keyboards, by setting the following registry keys:

    • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys\00000010]
      "Key Modifiers"=hex:00,c0,00,00
      "Target IME"=hex:00,00,00,00
      "Virtual Key"=hex:ff,00,00,00
    • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys\00000070]
      "Key Modifiers"=hex:00,c0,00,00
      "Target IME"=hex:00,00,00,00
      "Virtual Key"=hex:ff,00,00,00
  • ODBC and Oracle-2 Tier protocols. When recording a script in VuGen using the ODBC or Oracle-2 Tier protocols, if you stop the recording while the AUT is still open, VuGen may crash.
    Workaround: Close VuGen and open the file <installation folder>\dat\protocols\options\script\general.opt in a text editor.
    Comment out the following line by adding a semicolon at the beginning of the line: Option=DumpProcesses so it looks like this: ;Option=DumpProcesses
  • PDF reports. In Analysis, a PDF report may be generated with unreadable characters if it contains non-English characters.
    Workaround: Before you generate the PDF file, change the font in the Report Template that you are using:

    1. Select Reports > Report Templates.
    2. Select the template that you want to use.
    3. In the Detailed Report section, select the Format tab.
    4. For each UI element in the list, change the font to a font that supports the language in which the report is written.

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