Advanced Options dialog box (Service Level Agreement pane)

This dialog box enables you to define a tracking period for load test scenario.

To access

In Analysis: Tools menu > Configure SLA Rules > Service Level Agreement pane >

In Controller: Design tab > Service Level Agreement pane >

Important information

The tracking period is calculated by Analysis according to a built-in algorithm and as a function of the value entered here.

Relevant tasks
See also

Service level agreements overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Internally calculated tracking period

Analysis sets the tracking period to the minimum value possible, taking into account the aggregation granularity defined for the scenario. This value is at least 5 seconds. It uses the following formula:

Tracking Period = Max (5 seconds, aggregation granularity)

Tracking period of at least X seconds

Determines the minimum amount of time for the tracking period. This value can never be less than 5 seconds.

Analysis sets the tracking period to the nearest multiple of the scenario's aggregation granularity that is greater than or equal to the value (X) that you selected.

For this option, Analysis uses the following formula:

Tracking Period =
Max(5 seconds, m(Aggregation Granularity))

where m is a multiple of the scenario's aggregation granularity such that m(Aggregation Granularity) is greater than or equal to X.

Example: If you select a tracking period of X=10, and the aggregation granularity for the scenario is 6, then the tracking period is set to the nearest multiple of 6 that is greater than or equal to 10, that is, Tracking Period = 12.

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