Store run results

Before you run a scenario, you specify where the run results should be stored. All the data gathered during the run is saved to the specified folder.

The content of the results folder are described in the following table:

log folder
Output information generated during replay for each Vuser
sum_data folder
Graph summary data (.dat) files.
*_bd directories
Diagnostics breakdown information.
*.cfg files
A listing of the script's runtime settings as defined in VuGen (such as think time, iterations, and log). The results folder contains a .cfg file for each script.
*.def files
Definition files for graphs that describe the online and other custom monitors.
*.usp files
Contain the script's run logic, including how the actions sections run. The results folder contains a .usp file for each script.
Contains Vuser and rendezvous information.
Contains information from the Controller host.
<Load_Generator>.eve.gzl files
Information from the load generators in the scenario. These files are zipped and saved to the results folder in .gzl format.
Maps transactions and data points on the load generator to IDs.
<results_name> folder
The scenario run results.
Information about the scenario run, such as the name, duration, and scripts included.
The file paths of the result files and collation status information.
The status (succeeded, failed) of result, diagnostics, and log file collation from each load generator.
Information about network virtualization such as the locations and mode (per group or load generator).
Sample monitor information.
The database created by Controller. Stores all the output messages reported during the scenario run.
The file paths for the host event files
SLA definition information for the scenario.

When you generate analysis graphs and reports, the Analysis engine copies all of the scenario result files (.eve and .lrr) to a database. After the database is created, Analysis works directly with the database and does not use the result files.

Note: You can also convert the results to JSON and InfluxDB using the Raw Results Exporter tool. This is useful, for example, when you want to use the raw data in an application other than Analysis. For details, see Export run results to InfluxDB or JSON.

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