Session Information dialog box

This dialog box enables you to view a summary of the configuration properties of the current session.

To access, click File > Session Information.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

Aggregation Properties button

Displays the type of data aggregated, the criteria according to which it is aggregated, and the time granularity of the aggregated data.

Server Properties button

Displays the properties of the SQL server.
Aggregation Indicates whether the session data has been aggregated.
Data Collection Mode Indicates whether the session displays complete data or summary data.
Data Time Filter Indicates whether a time filter has been applied to the session.
Database Name The name and directory path of the database.
Database Type The type of database used to store the load test scenario data.
Results The name of the result file.
Session Name The name of the current session.
Web Granularity The web granularity in use for the session.

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