Custom Filter dialog box

This dialog box enables you to customize your filter criteria.

To access: In a Legend window, click a column header. Expand the down arrow and choose (Custom).

Tip: You can use wildcards:

  • Use _ to represent a single character.
  • Use % to represent a series of characters.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
<First Evaluator Expression>

A drop-down list of evaluation expressions such as equals, is greater than, and like, followed by a value.

For example, to filter the data for transactions that begin with the phrase "Action_Transaction", you could use Like and Action_Transaction%.

Operator The logical operator by which to add a second expression: AND or OR.
<Second Evaluator Expression> A drop-down list of evaluation expressions such as equals, is greater than, and like, followed by a value.

Note: After you save a customization for one of the metrics, Analysis displays it in the lower section of the Legend window.

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