Graph/Raw Data view table

You can view graph data in spreadsheet view or raw data view. The data is instantly displayed on request.

To access

Click the appropriate tab on the right border of the Analysis window or do one of the following:

  • Windows > Graph Data
  • Windows > Raw Data
Note Raw Data is not available for all graphs.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Copies the data that you have selected.

Copies the spreadsheet to the clipboard. You can paste to a spreadsheet.

Saves the spreadsheet data to an Excel or CSV file. In Excel, you can generate your own customized graphs.

Use the buttons on the toolbar to navigate through the table, and mark any records for future reference.
Relative Time The first column in the Graph Data window. displays the elapsed scenario time (the x-axis values). The following columns displays the relative y-axis values for each measurement represented on the graph.
Raw Data dialog box

In Set Range, set a time range.

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