Scenario Runtime Settings dialog box

This dialog box enables you to view information about executed load test scenarios, as well as the runtime settings for each script in a scenario.

To access

Toolbar > or File > View Scenario Runtime Settings.

To show the actual runtime settings for the selected script, click View RTS.

See also View load test scenario information

User interface elements are described below

UI Element Description
Result Name The name of the result file.
Scenario Scripts Displays the result set for each executed scenario, as well as the Vuser groups and scripts that were run in the scenario.
Group Name Displays the name of the group to which the selected script belongs.
Full Path Displays the script's full directory path.
Script Name Displays the name of the selected script.
Scenario Schedule Opens the Scenario Schedule window showing the schedule name, mode, duration, and load behavior.
View Script Opens the selected script for editing in VuGen.

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