Service Level Agreement pane

This pane lists all the service level agreements (SLAs) defined for the scenario.

To access, select:

  • Analysis:Tools menu > Configure SLA Rules > Service Level Agreement pane

  • Controller:Design tab

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

Starts the Service Level Agreement wizard where you can define new goals for the load test scenario.

Opens the Goal Details dialog box which displays the thresholds that were set for the selected SLA.

If you defined load criteria as part of your SLA, the threshold values are displayed per the defined load value ranges.

Opens the Service Level Agreement wizard where you can modify the goals defined in the SLA.

Deletes the selected SLA.

Opens the Advanced Options dialog box where you can adjust the tracking period for measurements that are evaluated per time interval over a timeline.

For more information, see Tracking period.

For user interface details, see Advanced Options dialog box (Service Level Agreement pane).

Service Level Agreement list

Lists the SLAs defined for the scenario.

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See also: