Define custom file formats

If the file format of your external data files is not supported by Analysis, you can define a custom format.

Define custom file formats

This task describes how to define a custom format, if the file format of your import file is not supported.

If the file format of your import file is not supported, you can define a custom format.

  1. Choose Tools > External Monitors > Import Data. The Import Data dialog box opens.

  2. From the File Format list, select <Custom File Format>. The Enter New Format Name dialog box opens.

  3. Enter a name for the new format (in this case, my_monitor_format).

  4. Click OK. The Define External Format dialog box opens.

  5. Specify the data in the dialog box, as described below.

  6. Click Save.

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Define External Format dialog box

The Define External Format dialog box is divided into mandatory and optional information.

Mandatory tab

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Date Column Number

Enter the column that contains the date. If there is a master column (see Master-Detail Microsoft Excel file (.xls)), specify its number.

Time Column Number

Enter the column that contains the time.

Use Master Column

Select this if the data file contains a master column. A master column specifies the row's particular breakdown of a more general measurement.

File Extension

Enter the file suffix.

Field Separator

Enter the character that separates a field in a row from its neighbor. To select a field separator character, click Browse and select a character from the define Field Separator dialog box.

Optional tab

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Date Format

Specify the format of the date in the imported data file. For example, for European dates with a 4 digit year, choose DD/MM/YYYY.

Time Zone

Select the time zone where the external data file was recorded. Analysis aligns the times in the file with local time zone settings to match the results. (The file itself is not altered.)

Machine Name

Specify the machine name the monitor runs on. This associates the machine name with the measurement.

Exclude Columns

Indicate which columns are to be excluded from the data import, such as columns containing descriptive comments. When there is more than one column to be excluded, specify the columns in a comma-separated list. For example, 1,3,8.

Convert file from UNIX to DOS format

Monitors often run on UNIX machines. Check this option to convert data files to Windows format. A carriage return (Ascii character 13) is appended to all line feed characters (Ascii character 10) in the UNIX file.

Skip the first [] lines

Specify the number of lines at the start of the file to ignore before reading in data. Typically, the first few lines in a file contain headings and sub-headings.

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See also: