Page Download Time Breakdown (Over Time) graph

The graph displays a breakdown of each page component's download time during each second of the load test scenario run.


This graph enables you to determine at what point during scenario execution network or server problems occurred.


Elapsed time from the beginning of the scenario run.


Time (in seconds) taken for each step in the download process.


To isolate the most problematic components, you can sort the legend window according to the average number of seconds taken to download a component. To sort the legend by average, double-click the Average column heading.

  • Each measurement displayed on the page level is the sum of that measurement recorded for each page component. For example, the Connection Time for is the sum of the Connection Time for each of the page's components.

  • When the Page Download Time Breakdown (Over Time) graph is selected from the Web Page Diagnostics graph, it appears as an area graph.

See also

Web Page Diagnostics graphs overview


This graph enables you to determine at what point during scenario execution network or server problems occurred.

If you examine the component, the Page Download Time Breakdown (Over Time) graph demonstrates that First Buffer and Receive time remained high throughout the scenario, and that DNS Resolution time decreased during the scenario.

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