Time to First Buffer Breakdown graph
This graph displays each web page component's relative server/network time (in seconds) for the period of time until the first buffer is successfully received back from the web server.
Note: This graph is relevant only when the load generator does not use a proxy to connect to the application under test. If the load generator is connected through a proxy, this graph shows only the proxy latency—not the application's latency.
Purpose |
If the download time for a component is high, you can use this graph to determine whether the problem is server- or network-related. |
X-axis |
Specifies the name of the component. |
Y-axis |
Shows the average network/server time (in seconds) for each component. |
Measurements |
Note |
See also |
In the following example it is apparent that network time is greater than server time.
You can break the main cnn.com URL down further to view the time to first buffer breakdown for each of its components. It is apparent that for the main cnn.com component (the first component on the right), the time to first buffer breakdown is almost all network time.