.NET Breakdown graph
This graph summarizes fundamental result data about .NET classes or methods and presents it in table format.
Purpose |
Using the .NET Breakdown table, you can identify the .NET classes or methods which consume the most time during the test. The table can be sorted by column, and the data can be viewed either by .NET class or .NET method. |
Breakdown options |
The Average Response Time column shows how long, on average, a class or method took to perform. The next column, Call Count, specifies the number of times the class or method was invoked. The final column, Total Response Time, specifies how much time was spent overall on the class or method. It is calculated by multiplying the results from the first two columns together. Classes are listed in the .NET Class column in the form Class:Host. In the table above, the AtmMachineSample.AtmTeller class took an average of 783 seconds to execute and was called 50,912 times. Overall, this class took 39,316 seconds to execute. To sort the list by a column, click the column heading. Each column in the .NET Breakdown graph is graphically represented by another graph. The table initially displays .NET classes, but you can also view the list of .NET methods. To view .NET methods, select the .NET Methods option, or double-click the class row. The methods of the specified class are listed in the .NET Method column. |
See also |
.NET Breakdown Column | Graphical Representation |
Average Response Time |
.NET Average Response Time Graph. |
Call Count |
.NET Call Count Graph. |
Total Response Time |
.NET Total Operation Time Distribution Graph. |